Who’s Your One?
A few days ago, the Florida Department of Transportation held an open house in our community for an upcoming project that will cut right through our community. While the project has an estimated completion time of 2025, our community has already seen the impact that the First Coast Expressway will have. New developments are being built as we speak and existing developments have begun additional phases. Soon, Clay County will be the fastest growing county in the state of Florida.
In September, we unrolled our vision as a church that will lead us to our 10th Birthday, which happens to be the same year the Expressway will be completed. We want to see our community transformed by God’s grace and to become passionate for His glory. We know that in order to see this come to fruition, we have to commit to making Jesus-centered disciples. Robby Gallaty says it this way, “We are making Jesus’ final words our primary work. Matthew 28:18-20 is our first priority”.
We believe that every follower of Jesus has been called to be an influence with the Gospel; to spend every opportunity making much of His name to every one who crosses their path. This past Sunday, we talked about being a light in a dark world. Like John the Baptizer in John 1:6-8, we are sent from God to proclaim that Jesus has come to be a light in the world. We’re not here to make a name for ourselves, we’re here to share the light of Jesus in this dark world.
If we are going to reach our community with the Gospel, then it’s going to require every follower of Jesus to obey His words and to “go and make disciples of all nations”. This is why we asked you the question: “Who’s Your One?”.
Who’s Your One?
Who’s Your One? is a nation wide initiative among Southern Baptist churches to “intentionally build a relationship with one person over the course of 2019, share the Gospel and invite that person to trust Christ as Lord and Savior”. It’s a call for churches to make disciples of all nations.
So I ask you today: Who’s Your One? Who’s the neighbor, the coworker, the family member, friend, or the waiter or waitress you see every week that you could share the gospel with this year? Who are you praying for God to save? Who’s the one person you want to see give their life to Jesus this year?
Identify that one person and share it with us by contacting us through our website or filling out a Next Steps card on Sunday. We want to pray for them and for you to have opportunities to share the Gospel with them. I pray each and everyone of us will obey Jesus’ final words to go and make disciples.