Gospel Family Night
This week is our Here We Go week. We’ve spent the week handing out information about our upcoming Christmas events and this Sunday, we plan to cover the entire Glen Haven neighborhood. Tonight, our focus will be on sharing the Gospel with our families. After dinner, take the evening and talk about Jesus. Fast from tv, your phone, and anything else that you normally spend your evening doing. Spend the time as a family, celebrating the finished work of Jesus.
Here’s a plan you can follow as a family:
Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-5 and Ephesians 2:1-10 and John 3:16
Ask a few questions:
- Who is Jesus? (He is the Son of God)
- What is Sin? (Disobedience to God and his standard of holiness)
- Who has sinned? (everyone! — ask your child how they have sinned)
- Did Jesus sin? (No — He lived a perfect life!)
- What did Jesus do for us? (Died and rose again three days later)
- Why did Jesus die for our sin? (So we can have forgiveness of our sins and eternal life)
Work on Memorizing John 3:16 and Ephesians 2:8-9
Watch these videos!
Preschool and Elementary
Older Elementary and Teenagers
Ask each member of the family something they learned
Sing your favorite worship songs!
Pray and thank God for sending Jesus to die for us!
Spend the rest of the evening as a family. Go get ice cream, play some games, or sit outside. Take this time to encourage one another to continue following Jesus!