28 Days together in Acts
This Sunday, we are gathering again in person as a church family. It’s been three months since we have been together and I for one cannot wait! The church is intended to be gathered together to worship Jesus and to love and encourage one another. If you haven’t already, please RSVP to our first Sunday back together. This will help us know how many people to expect on Sunday.
As we have been leading up to our reopening, I’ve been spending time in prayer, asking the Lord to direct our steps. I deeply desire for our church to be led by the Holy Spirit as we make disciples who make disciples. This has been the modus operandi of our church since we first gathered together.
I believe it is best for us to remember why our church exists and what better way than to look to the early church in Acts as our example. The Book of Acts was written by Luke as a “sequel” to his Gospel record “Luke”. In fact, it’s best to read these two New Testament books together.
Luke gave this historical book the title “Acts” as a short descriptor of what the book is about: the acts of the Holy Spirit. After Jesus ascends into heaven, the Holy Spirit empowers the disciples to go and make disciples throughout the world. Acts is this story and that story continues through us today.
I’m calling our church to read the story of the early church together. I believe the Holy Spirit wants us to read together to see how we carry the same mission that God gave the early church.
Beginning Monday, June 22 (the day after we gather again) let’s spend 28 days reading the book of Acts together. That’s one chapter every day. You can join in on the reading plan found on the Bible app, which also includes additional devotional content.
As you read through a chapter a day, I’m asking you to look to see how the early church:
- Grew in the power of the Gospel, both spiritually (individually and corporately) and numerically.
- Connected with one another because of the Gospel
- Influenced the lost around them with the gospel.
This is our strategy but it is not new to us. It is the strategy of the church built on Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. As you read through Acts, I pray you will see what God has called us to do as a church. I’m praying this new chapter we are entering is the beginning of a Holy Spirit movement in us and in our community.
So join in and read through Acts with us and let’s be led by the Holy Spirit as we make disciples who make disciples.
By His Grace,
Pastor Matt