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How should we, as Christians, respond to the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump?

On Saturday evening, I was sitting down, preparing to watch the Atlanta Braves play the San Diego Padres when I received a text from my dad informing me that something sounding like guns or fireworks had gone off at a Trump Rally near Pittsburgh. I immediately turned to the news to see what was happening.

We would all later learn that Donald Trump, the former President and current Republican Presidential candidate had been shot through the ear.

Watching the events unfold, my thoughts went in various directions: Who did this? Why did they do this? What does this mean for our country? What does this mean for my family? What does it mean for my church? What does Scripture have to say?

That final question I knew was the most important, for Scripture shapes our lives. God’s Word is clear and sufficient and in the darkest of moments, provides a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105). Knowing this, I turned to Psalm 46 where David writes,

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns. The nations rage, the kingdoms totter; he utters his voice, the earth melts. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Come, behold the works of the LORD, how he has brought desolations on the earth. He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the chariots with fire. ‘Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!’ The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” (ESV)

On Sunday, just a few hours after the Saturday evening events, I shared with our church four responses from Psalm 46 that we as Christians must have during a time like this.

We respond in prayer.

Prayer must always be our first response and must continue to be our posture in the days, weeks, and months to come. Psalm 46:1 tells us that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

Our God is not distant; he is near. Our God is not silent; he speaks. Our God is not weak; he is strong. Our God is our refuge, and when we find ourselves in trouble or see trouble rising around us, we run to our shelter like a child caught in a lightning storm. God is our mighty fortress.

Prayer is this act of running to God as our refuge, and as we see divisive vitriol playing out throughout our country, we must go to the Lord in prayer.

While there are many things we can pray for, here are a few places to begin:

  • We pray for the salvation of our government officials (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
  • We pray for the protection of our government officials.
  • We pray for gospel revival in our nation (Matthew 28:18-20).

We respond by trusting that God is sovereign over all things.

Look at what David writes concerning God’s sovereignty in Psalm 46: “God is a very present help in trouble.” “He utters his voice, the earth melts.” “He has brought desolations on the earth.” “He makes wars cease.” “He will be exalted among the nations.”

The office of the President of the United States has often been called the most powerful office in the world. Yet, Scripture reminds us that God is the one who places rulers in their positions. While American citizens vote in free and fair elections and Presidents, Governors, and local officials are elected by the people, it is through God’s sovereign hand that men and women are placed in government positions.

The Apostle Paul writes in Romans 13:1, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.”

I find great comfort in this verse. I believe Scripture teaches that government is an institution that God establishes for the good of the people and His glory (1 Peter 2:13-14). And when governments act contrary to the character of God, I know that God still holds all things in His hands. He sovereignly rules all things from the throne of heaven.

While events throughout history may cause our hearts to fear, there is no reason to fear. The earth may be falling apart, mountains sinking into oceans, waters overtaking land, yet God is in control.

Therefore, we must not fear but trust in God and His sovereign hand.

We respond by proclaiming the truth of the Gospel.

“Be still and know that I am God” are words of comfort in the midst of the unknown. It is calming for the soul to see the truth of God’s holy character. He alone is God.

The internet and social media age have taught us to respond before we know the facts. Even now, on Monday, we will read comments and articles from people who believed something was true when it has already been proven false.

As Christians, we cannot be people given over to lies or conspiracy theories (1 Timothy 1:4), but rather we should be people of truth (Ephesians 4:15).

While we converse throughout the week, let’s remember that God is a God of truth and expects the same from His children. It also means that when given the opportunity, we should proclaim that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and salvation from sin comes through His righteousness alone (John 14:6).

Every one of us, including the most powerful of men, is just a few moments and inches from death. We are never promised tomorrow, and we know our lives are like vapor. Today, let’s invite people to repent of their sins and believe in the name of Jesus Christ.

We respond by rejoicing in the hope of heaven.

There’s an old song that simply says, “This world is not my home, I’m just passing through.” I love our country. I’m a proud American. I’m thankful God has placed my family here.

But America is not my home. I’m temporarily living here while I await my eternal home in heaven, where, as Psalm 46 states, “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High.”

Paul writes again in Philippians 3:20, “But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

The home that awaits us who are in Christ will be empty of sin, empty of hate, and filled with the joy of the Lord. I look forward to that day.

Until that day, may we live as God’s ambassadors on this earth, proclaiming the good news of the gospel and trusting in His sovereign hand over all things.

By His Grace,

Pastor Matt

Preparing for Our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

This coming Sunday, we begin our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. This past week, we covered Matthew 6:16-18 where Jesus discusses fasting in his Sermon on the Mount. You can listen to the sermon here. The content of this post is a summary of the sermon.

Matthew 6:16–18 “And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. [17] But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, [18] that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. (ESV)

The context of the entire Sermon on the Mount recorded in Matthew 5-7 is to help us see how we are to live as citizens of God’s Kingdom. Chapter 6 begins with Jesus looking at three very important spiritual practices in Jewish life: almsgiving, prayer, and now fasting. Jesus’ intention in this teaching is to help his listeners understand that proper practice of these disciplines comes from a humble heart that seeks to honor God, not man. He shows us the contrast between the humble heart and the hypocritical heart. One focuses on God while the other focuses on self.

While probably the most neglected and most misunderstood of the Habits of Grace, Fasting is a helpful gift of grace to help us live in God’s Kingdom.

Toward a Definition of Christian Fasting

In short, according to how the listeners and readers in Jesus’ day would have understood the word, Fasting is abstaining from food. But if we leave it at that definition, then we may be in danger of misapplying what fasting is, much like the hypocrites did in Jesus’ day and how many continue to do so today. 

Let me give you a few definitions of fasting that help us understand what Scripture is saying.

Christian fasting is a believer’s voluntary abstinence from food for spiritual purposes. It is for believers in Christ, for the discipline must be rooted in a relationship with Christ and practiced with the desire to become more like Christ”. – Donald S. Whitney

“Fasting is an exceptional measure, designed to channel and express our desire for God and our holy discontent in a fallen world. It is for those not satisfied with the status quo. For those who want more of God’s grace. For those who feel truly desperate for God.” – David Mathis

“Fasting is an appetite for the things of God.” – Martin Luther

Martin Luther also stated, “I do not live for my appetites—my physical appetites, my sexual appetites, my material appetites.  Therefore, with self-control, which is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, I’m going to stop all this incessant ‘nibbling at the table of the world.’ I do not live for my appetites. But much more than that, I live for God and for his blessing.” 

Religious and Cultural Views of Fasting

Fasting is not a distinctly Christian practice. Most non-Christian religions, like Islam, and Catholicism practice fasting. Fasting can also be non-religious. Technically, we fast every night, and why the first meal of the day is “breakfast”. A common dieting practice is intermittent fasting. Fasting is also required for blood work and surgery.  That’s why Christian fasting doesn’t focus on the act of fasting as much as it does the heart of fasting.

In the Old Testament, there was only one time per year when God’s people were called to fast—the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16:29-34) All other fasting was voluntary, as far as the law was concerned. But something changes in the New Testament. And it all centers around Jesus. Let me read a text of Scripture later on in Matthew 9.

Matthew 9:14–17 Then the disciples of John came to him, saying, “Why do we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?” [15] And Jesus said to them, “Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast. [16] No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch tears away from the garment, and a worse tear is made. [17] Neither is new wine put into old wineskins. If it is, the skins burst and the wine is spilled and the skins are destroyed. But new wine is put into fresh wineskins, and so both are preserved.” (ESV)

Now, the disciples appear to not be following the Pharisee’s way of fasting. Remember, the Pharisees would often create rules and laws and call them gospel. If you don’t keep their man-made rules then you are not truly following God. And remember also, fasting was only required on only one day a year. John the Baptizer’s disciples come to Jesus with questions. If Jesus was truly the Messiah whom John was preparing the way for, then why were Jesus’ teachings so different from John’s on the matter of fasting? 

Jesus answers these questions by saying, there is no need for His disciples to fast because Jesus is with them. They can and will fast when Jesus is no longer physically with them. Jesus helps them see that he is not destroying old practices with something new, he’s ushering something new in. Fasting will now be centered around a dependence on Jesus and Jesus alone. 

What is interesting about fasting is that nowhere in the New Testament is it commanded. It’s expected, but not commanded. Prayer is commanded. Gathering with the church is commanded. Generous giving is commanded. Loving your enemies is commanded. Fasting is not commanded by Jesus, but Jesus expects his followers to fast.

Jesus begins His section on fasting with “when you fast” and like the other examples given concerning Almsgiving and Prayer, he includes teachings on improper fasting and proper fasting.

Improper fasting is self-centered and others-focused. Christian fasting is not about us but is a hunger for God and God alone.

Improper fasting seeks personal gain as the end goal and not God. There will be a temptation to think about the weight you are losing or the time you have redeemed during your fast. Listen at times it is good to lose weight and it is good to repurpose your time, but if that becomes the focus of the Christian fasting, then we are missing the mark.  Jesus’ brief instructions to his disciples come down to this: “When you fast, just be normal”. Take a shower, wash your hair, wash your face. In other words, no one should know you’re fasting. The only person that matters when it comes to fasting is God. 

While the potential purposes are many, Donald Whitney captures it like this: 

“Fasting can be an expression of finding your greatest pleasure and enjoyment in life from God.” – Whitney

The purpose of fasting is to strengthen our hunger for God and to see how dependent we are on Him. The purpose of fasting is really the reward of fasting.

As a reminder, fasting is not commanded. It is a helpful tool in our pursuit of Christ. We must also understand that fasting is always connected to prayer and Scripture. It is not something we do alone and disconnected from the other habits of grace.

You can pray without fasting, but you cannot fast biblically without praying. Fasting is an affirmation of intense prayer, a corollary of deep spiritual struggle before God. It is never an isolated act or a ceremony or ritual that has some inherent efficacy or merit. It has no value at all-in fact becomes a spiritual hindrance and a sin when done for any reason apart from knowing and following the Lord’s will.

As we head into our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, let me answer three questions for us.

What should I fast from?

Obviously, fasting is an abstinence from food. It’s a tangible reminder of how much we depend on God. Every time your stomach growls, it’s a reminder we need Jesus more than food. But I do believe there is freedom to fast from certain things that do not belong to Christ but that have filled and consumed our hearts. Martyn Lloyd-Jones states, 

“Fasting should really be made to include abstinence from anything which is legitimate in and of itself for the sake of some special spiritual purpose.” 

So maybe your family goes without electronics for a week because you use devices to numb you, maybe it’s coffee or soda or sweets because you feel as if you can’t function without them. Maybe it’s social media, or exercise, or sports, or shopping, or maybe it’s food in general. Whatever it is you fast from, take the time to look toward Christ.

When should I fast?

Really, it’s up to you. Morning, afternoon, evening, half the day, the whole, a week, 21 days, or 40. I don’t believe it matters. But I do believe the longer the fast, the more we see the dependence.

How should I fast?

When you decide when you will fast, here are five helpful tips from David Mathis in his book, “Habits of Grace”, recorded here in this article:

1. Start small.

Don’t go from no fasting to attempting a weeklong. Start with one meal; maybe fast one meal a week for several weeks. Then try two meals, and work your way up to a daylong fast. Perhaps eventually try a two-day juice fast.

A juice fast means abstaining from all food and beverage, except for juice and water. Allowing yourself juice provides nutrients and sugar for the body to keep you operating, while also still feeling the effects from going without solid food. It’s not recommended that you abstain from water during a fast of any length.

2. Plan what you’ll do instead of eating.

Fasting isn’t merely an act of self-deprivation, but a spiritual discipline for seeking more of God’s fullness. This means we should have a plan for what positive pursuit to undertake in the time it normally takes to eat. We spend a good portion of our day with food in front of us. One significant part of fasting is the time it creates for prayer and meditation on God’s word or some act of love for others.

Before diving headlong into a fast, craft a simple plan. Connect it to your purpose for the fast. Each fast should have a specific spiritual purpose. Identify what that is and design a focus to replace the time you would have spent eating. Without a purpose and plan, it’s not Christian fasting; it’s just going hungry.

3. Consider how it will affect others.

Fasting is no license to be unloving. It would be sad to lack concern and care for others around us because of this expression of heightened focus on God. Love for God and for neighbor go together. Good fasting mingles horizontal concern with the vertical. If anything, others should even feel more loved and cared for when we’re fasting.

So as you plan your fast, consider how it will affect others. If you have regular lunches with colleagues or dinners with family or roommates, assess how your abstaining will affect them, and let them know ahead of time, instead of just being a no-show, or springing it on them in the moment that you will not be eating.

Also, consider this backdoor inspiration for fasting: If you make a daily or weekly practice of eating with a particular group of friends or family, and those plans are interrupted by someone’s travel or vacation or atypical circumstances, consider that as an opportunity to fast, rather than eating alone.

4. Try different kinds of fasting.

The typical form of fasting is personal, private, and partial, but we find a variety of forms in the Bible: personal and communal, private and public, congregational and national, regular and occasional, absolute and partial.

In particular, consider fasting together with your family, small group, or church. Do you share together in some special need for God’s wisdom and guidance? Is there an unusual difficulty in the church, or society, for which you need God’s intervention? Do you want to keep the second coming of Christ in view? Plead with special earnestness for God’s help by linking arms with other believers to fast together.

5. Fast from something other than food.

Fasting from food is not necessarily for everyone. Some health conditions keep even the most devout from the traditional course. However, fasting is not limited to abstaining from food.

If the better part of wisdom for you, in your health condition, is not to go without food, consider fasting from television, computer, social media, or some other regular enjoyment that would bend your heart toward greater enjoyment of Jesus. Paul even talks about married couples fasting from sex “for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer” (1 Corinthians 7:5).


Grace Life, here is why we are taking this intentional time to pray and fast. And it stems from Peter’s moment with the empty tomb.

Luke 24:12 But Peter rose and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves, and he went home marveling at what had happened. (ESV)

My prayer is that through intentional time with the Lord, we will grow in our awe and wonder of who He is and what He has done. Fasting teaches us to see the glorious splendor of our God.

We fast before the Lord in humility knowing that our only hope in life and death is that we are not our own but belong to God.

If you have any questions concerning your prayer and fasting, please do not hesitate to reach out to either Pastor Ben or myself.

By His Grace,

Pastor Matt

An update from the Lynn Family (September 2023)

In the book of Acts, we see the church sending out missionaries to take the gospel to the world. This was to obey Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:9. Paul was one of those missionaries. In fact, he took three missionary journeys during the course of his ministry, planting churches along the way. As he wrote letters to the churches, some of which are recorded in the New Testament, he would often include updates on his journeys or send someone to give an update. Paul never left his supporting churches in the dark.

So that you also may know how I am and what I am doing, Tychicus the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord will tell you everything. I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are, and that he may encourage your hearts. – Ephesians 6:21–22

Every so often, we receive an update from our ministry partners. We read them in our Sunday gatherings as a reminder to pray for those who have been called by God to go overseas to share the gospel and as a reminder that we too are missionaries exactly where we are here in the United States.

To read the most recent update letter from the Lynn Family in Ethiopia, click here.

Commit to praying for them frequently and be intentional in sharing the gospel with someone today.

How to Support Oversea Missionaries

At the time this blog was posted, Jeremy and Karissa Lynn are heading back to Ethiopia where they will serve and proclaim the gospel to the people outside of Addis Ababa. 

They are returning home.

It’s strange for me to say that because in my mind, Ethiopia is a place they go to for a few years and then return home to see family and to rest. In my mind, they’re just on an extended mission trip. My mind thinks this way because selfishly, I want them to come back home.

But this is not their home. Ethiopia is their home.

Last night we said goodbye. We hugged and cried and said “See you later” even though we don’t know when “later” is. I watched as my kids said goodbye and was heartbroken when my daughter yelled through the car window, “See you when I’m eleven!”

She’s eight. Three years is a long time for them to be away from home. A lot can happen in three years.

But that last sentence is layered with selfishness because, for them, the four weeks here in the United States was a long time to be away from home. Their heart is in Ethiopia. It is where God has called them. It is where they have obediently gone. Leaving everything they know behind to take the gospel of Jesus to people halfway around the world.

This is just a very small glimpse from our perspective as a family of oversea missionaries. 

As Jeremy preached from Revelation 3:1-6 this past Sunday, he made a statement that has burned a fire within my soul. A statement that I am sure will be repeated several times in our gatherings.

“The influence we have today does not guarantee the influence we have tomorrow”.

The loss of our gospel influence occurs when we lose sight of Jesus and our mission and begin to focus either inwardly or allow the outward influence of the culture to infiltrate. The church in Sardis is a reminder that we fight for our influence. We do not give up. We do not give in. We press on as lights of the world and salt of the earth.

For a brief moment, I want to give three ways we can support the influence of overseas families. They are an extension of our church, partnering with us in the same mission to make disciples of all nations. 


Frequently Pray for them.

“Of course, we should pray for them!” you may say. But let me encourage us to put it into practice. Let’s actually do it, as modeled to us by the church in Acts 12.

“So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church.” (Acts 12:5)

When we share the missions update, take the time to pray for them. Set a time each week to take their name to the throne of heaven. Pray for their strength in the Lord. Pray for their encouragement in their calling. Praying for their protection, both physically and spiritually. Pray for their ministry.

As you pray for them, pray also for the disciples and leaders they are developing. These brothers and sisters will be on the front lines of ministry with the missionary family. Pray for their families, for their hearts to be strengthened, and for their joy to increase.


Financially Support them.

In Philippians 4, Paul writes to the church in Philippi, thanking them for their generous gifts in support of his ministry.

And you Philippians yourselves know that in the beginning of the gospel, when I left Macedonia, no church entered into partnership with me in giving and receiving, except you only. [16] Even in Thessalonica you sent me help for my needs once and again. [17] Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit. [18] I have received full payment, and more. I am well supplied, having received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent, a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God. [19] And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. [20] To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen. (Philippians 4:15–20)

Overseas missionaries rely on the generous giving of churches back in the United States. It takes a lot of financial resources to not only get missionaries over there but to help them stay there. Most missionaries go on a religious visa, preventing them from working. Some go on a work visa, which likely means they are going to a place that is unfriendly towards Christianity. Either way, mission giving helps support overseas missions.

Our church supports the Lynn family at $200 a month. This is made possible because of your generous giving. Not only do we seek to be cheerful givers individually, giving what the Lord has led us to give  (2 Corinthians 9:6-7), but we seek to be ten percent givers as a church too. We don’t want to keep the resources just inwardly but use them to proclaim the gospel close to home and to the nations.

One way you financially support the Lynns (and other missionaries) is by giving faithfully and giving directly. If the Lord leads, you can give above an beyond your normal tithe/giving and give directly to the missionary families. You can do so directly in our giving portal. If you need any assistance, please reach out to Pastor Ben.


Faithfully Encourage Them.

Finally, we can faithfully encourage them when we see them or we can encourage them by sending them an email or text. They may not always hear our prayers and money may be the resource that keeps them there, but encouragement is the fuel that often helps them get to the next day.

Some days heavily weigh on them. There are days when it seems easier to quit than to stay. It could be due to a stressful situation in the local market. Or a day where they waited in line for gas for several hours only to find out the pumps were empty. Or a day when the tension of the government runs into the streets. Or a day when the power goes out and you have no access to water.

These are just a few examples of daily life in Ethiopia and why simple encouragement is an incredible blessing to the Lynns. Encourage them to persevere. Encourage them to look to Jesus. Celebrate their service. Tell them you love them.

If you would like to send the Lynns a note of encouragement, email the encouragement to us at and we will forward it to them. 

In the future, we will introduce you to new mission partners. All of these practices listed above are our way of saying to them, “You are not alone. We are behind you. We are praying for you!”

And one day when we are all truly home in heaven, we will celebrate the missional heart of the Father who not only sent His Son for us, but sends us out to proclaim His gospel.

By His Grace,

Pastor Matt

Update from the Lynn Family, Missionaries to Ethiopia (June 2023)

In the book of Acts, we see the church sending out missionaries to take the gospel to the world. This was to obey Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:9. Paul was one of those missionaries. In fact, he took three missionary journeys during the course of his ministry, planting churches along the way. As he wrote letters to the churches, some of which are recorded in the New Testament, he would often include updates on his journeys or send someone to give an update. Paul never left his supporting churches in the dark.

So that you also may know how I am and what I am doing, Tychicus the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord will tell you everything. I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are, and that he may encourage your hearts. – Ephesians 6:21–22

Every so often, we receive an update from our ministry partners. We read them in our Sunday gatherings as a reminder to pray for those who have been called by God to go overseas to share the gospel and as a reminder that we too are missionaries exactly where we are here in the United States.

To read the most recent update letter from the Lynn Family in Ethiopia, click here.

Commit to praying for them frequently and be intentional in sharing the gospel with someone today.

What Jesus Did Was Enough

We recently closed out another incredible year of LifeGroups. These groups intentionally center around God’s Word in the context of encouraging relationships for the purpose of cultivating a deep faith in Jesus. This past year we studied through the book of Galatians. You can access this study and previous studies at our ever expanding resource library.

As we closed out, a member of my LifeGroup shared a poem they wrote as a summary of our study in Galatians. I wanted to share it with you. It’s titled, “What Jesus Did Was Enough”. I pray it will be a blessing to you as it was to our group. And be sure to join a group when they resume this coming fall!

By His Grace,

Pastor Matt


What He did was enough

Just as Paul shared on that road to Damascus
The same Good News that saved him was the news that saved us.
We saw what Christ did up on that cross of Calvary
The perfect sacrifice made for our salvation’s eternity

Bound by the chains of our sin
We had to realize the captivity of the flesh we were in
Christ set us free and gave a gift we did not deserve
Grace washed over us as promised in His word.

Sons and daughters we all became
No longer separated but united by His precious name
The Grace that saved us also set us apart
As we grow closer The Spirit transforms our heart.

Situations in our new family can be tough
The burdens get lighter as we share the load with love
This is a love that is beyond compare
Our Fathers love given His church for all to share.

Faith in Jesus is all we must or can do
Believe every word of scripture to be true
No one can ever lead us astray
What Jesus did was enough from then till this very day.

Responding to God’s Word

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing. – James 1:22–25

I once heard a preacher who, prior to reading the main text of Scripture of the is sermon, would make the following statement:

“Every time we open God’s Word, we are looking at the mind of God. Let’s see what God is thinking”.

God the Father has made Himself to us through His Son Jesus (John 1:1). We learn of the Son of God through the written Word of God (2 Timothy 3:14-15). And because we have these true and profitable words from God, we know exactly who God is and what he desires for us (2 Timothy 3:16-17). When we open the Bible, we are reading about the Author and Finisher of our faith. Here’s what Peter states,

Knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. – 2 Peter 1:20–21

The Holy Spirit used men to record exactly what God intended to say. Which means we should take seriously what is said within the pages of Scripture. It is not man that is speaking, but God. And when God speaks, we must listen.

But listening is not all that is required of us. Listening to God’s Word, whether it is in our own reading and studying or if it’s sitting in a Bible based sermon, requires a response. James writes the verses above to tell us not to be just a hearer, but to be a doer of the Word as well.

In other words, God’s Word calls for a response.

Parents understand what James is saying far too well. We ask our kids to do something and more often than not, we need to repeat it a few times. We’re training them to obey right away. We often ask them, “Did you hear me?” And they’ll respond with “Yes” and we sit and wonder why they haven’t done what we have asked them to do! This is simply disobedience. To hear something from an authority and not to do it is to disobey the authority.

Because the Scripture is our authority, then when we disobey Scripture, we are disobeying God. We are implying that what He says is not important enough to follow, that we prefer to do our own thing, or that His authority does not matter to us.

When we hear God speak, we respond in obedience.

The Bible shows us how to live holy. It exposes our sin and brings us to the light of God’s grace. Just like a mirror shows us who we are, so does God’s Word. We would be fools to hear and not respond to what God’s Word says to us. We would be fools to disobey the good and gracious words from God.

Here are three helpful questions for the next time you read Scripture or after the sermon on Sunday that will help you respond to what you have heard.

1. From the text, what is something you learned about God? About yourself?

2. What Scriptural truth(s) from the text is the Holy Spirit pressing on your heart?

3. If you were to incorporate this truth in your own life, how would the next week and next month be different?

These questions help us read the text for what it says and then act on what it says. We respond to God’s Word because we know God’s Word to be true and good. And when we obey the words of our Father, it produces within us a peace and joy that frees us to continue living in obedience to the One who saved us.

By His Grace,

Pastor Matt

Reading as a Hobby

A few years ago, I was having lunch with a church member, talking about the importance of rest. During the conversation, we began talking about new hobbies and finding something to do that frees our minds to rest and relax from the normal grind of a typical work week. From that conversation, I decided my hobby would be reading. And if you’re around me enough, I’m going to try and make it your hobby in 2023 as well!

Reading is a year-long activity that can be done inside, outside, and even in the car (yes, listening to audiobooks does count as reading). When I graduated from Seminary, I would have been content with never reading a book again. In fact, for a few years, the only books I read were often commentaries. Occasionally I would pick up a book on the church or on pastoring but I had forgotten what it meant to read for fun. Now, I consistently read books on a wide variety of topics and genres and I find it incredibly restful. 

Reading fiction books takes my mind away from the present world and into a different world, allowing my mind to remove itself for just a few moments from the anxiety and pressures of the day. Reading biographies helps me learn from men and women from different centuries and how they navigated their own lives. Reading subjects that help me grow spiritually and personally helps me be a better husband, father, and pastor. 

Like any hobby, reading well for rest requires time, resources, and a plan. Allow me to share how I structure my reading.

I don’t just go to the library and choose a book based on its cover, though I have done this in the past. I follow a specific reading plan that keeps me from wondering what to read next. The plan I use comes from Christian blogger and author, Tim Challies. You can find the 2022 Reading challenge here. The 2023 reading challenge will be available soon. Here’s how the plan works:

The Christian Reading Challenge is composed of 4 lists of books, which you are meant to move through progressively. You will need to determine a reading goal early in the year and set your pace accordingly.

  • The Light Reader. This plan has 13 books which sets a pace of 1 book every 4 weeks.
  • The Avid Reader. The Avid plan adds another 13 books which increases the pace to 1 book every 2 weeks.
  • The Committed Reader. This plan adds a further 26 books, bringing the total to 52, or 1 book every week.
  • The Obsessed Reader. The Obsessed plan doubles the total to 104 books which sets a demanding pace of 2 books every week.

Under each section is a list of topics for you to follow. This allows you to read outside of your typical genre or give you a next step. It’s broad enough and specific enough to work within your interests. Here’s the list for The Light Reader:

  • A book published in 2021 or 2022 
  • A memoir or autobiography 
  • A novel 
  • A book by a woman 
  • A book by a man
  • A book published prior to 2000 
  • A book with the word “gospel” in the title or subtitle 
  • A book with an image of a person on the cover 
  • A book about a current social issue 
  • A book for children or teens 
  • A book about suffering 
  • A book about Christian living 
  • A book of your choice

Following this plan has allowed me to go from roughly 0-5 books a year to 100+ each year for the last few years. 

To read at this pace, I’ve developed a few habits for my hobby. 

  • I read while I’m watching a sporting event on TV. Sports don’t require constant attention and the break in action allows for a few moments of reading.
  • I listen to books through my local library when I’m in the car or mowing my yard or on a walk. These books are usually the bigger books like Providence by John Piper or D-Day by Stephen Ambrose.
  • I read a book as part of my devotions. Usually a chapter a day from a book that draws my heart to Jesus. Currently, I’m reading Thoughts for Young Men by J.C.Ryle
  • I read when I find myself waiting. Instead of scrolling social media, I have a book on my kindle app that I work through over time. Oil changes, haircuts, waiting for people to arrive for a meeting, and waiting to pick the kids up are all opportunities to spend a few moments reading a book.

Reading is also a hobby that doesn’t have to be expensive. The only books I purchase are books I plan to keep and use for resources. Which means, I don’t purchase any fiction books. The local library is an incredible resource available to all county residents. We go as a family every week, we’ve built relationships with librarians, and we’ve saved thousands of dollars (minus the late fees!) on books. Having a library card also gives you access to the Libby app to read via Kindle or to listen to the audiobook.

I also subscribe to Scribd. Scribd is much cheaper than Audible. An Audible monthly subscription usually gives you access to one book a month while Scribd has unlimited access to their collection at a cheaper monthly cost. The best part of audio books is that you can pick up the book you’re reading at home and continue it in the car! I did this a few times this year with a few fiction books.

For the year 2022, I hit 100 books again and I want to share with you my four of my favorite books from the past year.


Apollo 13 by Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger

Many of us have seen the movie starring Tom Hanks but did you know it’s based on the details from this book written by Astronaut Jim Lovell, a member of the Apollo 13 crew? In Apollo 13, Jim Lovell recounts the details behind the entire Apollo program and the entire trip of the Apollo 13 mission. In April of 1970, just a few months after Apollo 11 landed on the moon, Jim Lovell, Fred Haise, and Jack Swigert launched from earth for another mission to the moon. But due to a cabin fire, they never landed on the moon. Instead, they made a heroic trip around the moon and returned safely to earth. NASA has labeled the Apollo 13 mission as a “Successful failure”.


Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith by Jon Krakauer

In this book, Jon Krakauer dives into the history and structure of the Mormon Church. Founded on faulty lies and promoted by sexually perverted men, the Mormon Church grew in Western United States. From the Amazon Synopsis, “Defying both civil authorities and the Mormon establishment in Salt Lake City, the renegade leaders of these Taliban-like theocracies are zealots who answer only to God; some 40,000 people still practice polygamy in these communities. 

At the core of Krakauer’s book are brothers Ron and Dan Lafferty, who insist they received a commandment from God to kill a blameless woman and her baby girl. Beginning with a meticulously researched account of this appalling double murder, Krakauer constructs a multi-layered, bone-chilling narrative of messianic delusion, polygamy, savage violence, and unyielding faith. Along the way he uncovers a shadowy offshoot of America’s fastest growing religion, and raises provocative questions about the nature of religious belief.”

Learning about the Mormon church helped me see how I could communicate the gospel with them more clearly and to also critically think through Religious Freedom issues in our culture. It was also a lesson on how easily it can be for people to pervert the teachings of Scripture for their own gain and for the satisfaction of their sinful desires.


Redeeming Your Time by Jordan Raynor

This has been the most helpful book I’ve read the last few years and I wish it was written years ago. Jordan Raynor’s book on “learning time management from the one who created time” has helped me better structure my week, my to-do list, and my priorities. I recommend this book to everyone! 

The book looks at Jesus and how He navigated His time management while He was on earth. He knew His calling and therefore, He knew when and what to say yes or no to. He also looks at the importance of freeing your mind of to do list clutter. We know of the projects months down the road, but now is not the time to think about it. He helps create a system that allows you to put off for tomorrow the things that can wait. 

Two things I learned from this book: 1) Do the things that take less than two minutes and do them now. (Need to send an email? A text message? Print something? Just do it. 2) Create a system for future projects. (This has helped me with upcoming events and for my sermon calendar).


Deep Discipleship by J.T. English

The first book I read in 2022 and probably the most impactful. It’s one of the reasons we held a “Gospel for Everyday Life” study over the summer. I love teaching others about the Bible. I love seeing people grow deeper in their knowledge of God. Deep Discipleship helped me think through how to see more discipleship in our church. Jesus gave his followers the mandate to make disciples of all nations. But today, too many people are being “fashioned” outside the churches. It’s time for pastors and leaders to take responsibility for training and growing believers who can be sent to gather in the harvest utilizing three indispensable elements: the Bible, theology, and spiritual disciplines.


Reading is a lost love in our day and age. We are inundated with so much television that we forget the wealth of books available to us! We also need to be warned of the desire of knowing everything (Ecc 12:12). But reading can be and is a restful and helpful hobby. Read a book in the coming year. Take the 2023 Reading Challenge with me. Read with your kids. Maybe you’ll learn something new this year or maybe, like me, you’ll rest from the anxiousness of this world and for a few minutes, find yourself in another.

God our Provider: An update from the Lynn Family, Missionaries to Ethiopia

The very first check we wrote as a church was to the Lynn family in Ethiopia. Early on, before our church even gathered on Sunday mornings, we knew we needed to be committed to partnering with Gospel-centered churches around the world. Global and local gospel partnerships must be a part of our DNA. It’s been a joy to be partners along side the Lynn Family. They have been faithfully serving and making disciples in Ethiopia and your generosity continues to help them accomplish their desire to proclaim the hope of Jesus to the people Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. On top of monthly financial support, Grace Life has given them several one time gifts, including $5,000 towards their Permanent Light land and building purchase. We want to continue to be a blessing to them, which is why you should attend Bingo Night and bring a donation with you!

As you read this update from Jeremy and Karissa, will you commit to praying for them daily? Pray they will be encouraged and provided for as they serve the Lord by making disciples in Ethiopia.

Thank you church for supporting and partnering with this Gospel Work! Be sure to check out the video below.

By His Grace,

Pastor Matt



When we moved to Addis Ababa, we considered the question, how do you start a church planting movement in Ethiopia? Our desire was to begin by pursuing personal relationships with Ethiopians that lead to Jesus. Ultimately, we wanted to make disciples that could go and make disciples. We also knew it would be important for those who believe in Christ as Savior to have a place to be equipped and fellowship with other believers. Meeting in homes is restricted and renting a property is expensive. Therefore, we began to take the steps necessary to purchase land.

One of the hurdles when purchasing land in Ethiopia is income. The average household today makes, “a per capita gross national income of $890”. With salaries this low, a church that has 100 people giving 10% of their income would have to save for approximately 26 years to purchase land. Knowing this, we began the Permanent Light project and asked churches to join Bethel in pursing this goal.

We praise God for the body of Christ joining hands with Bethel in giving and praying! He has provided land, and we look toward the next steps of being a Permanent Light in Ethiopia. Building, like everything else in the world, is far more expensive than it was just a few years ago. When we began this journey, the cost for the building was around $250,000. Now we face a bill well over $900,000! We shared this with our sending Pastor(admittedly we were overwhelmed with the cost), and he responded candidly that God is more than able to provide. We know we must trust our Provider as we embark on this phase. Therefore, we have made our request known to God and share the need with His bride. Would you ask God what He would have you do as an individual and as a church? May we seek Him first as we trust His provision. Let’s Build Together!

Jeremy and Karissa Lynn



By Faith Alone in Christ Alone

Welcome to the weekly newsletter for Grace Life Church. Every week, we want to give you a midweek reminder on upcoming events, the sermon text for the coming Sunday, and additional content that will encourage you to continue pursuing Jesus everyday. I’m praying the additional content provided on the Grace Life Blog will strengthen your faith in Jesus. 

This is also my prayer for our upcoming summer sermon series on Hebrews 11. 

The book of Hebrews was written by an unknown author to Jewish believers who were likely slipping back into their Jewish traditions so they could avoid persecution. The author wants to instill in them that Jesus is better. He’s better than angels. He’s better than Moses. He’s better than the Jewish sacrificial system. He’s better than the Old Covenant. Jesus is better because He is the fulfillment of every promise God spoke in the Old Testament. He is our perfect sacrifice, our great High Priest, and the Author and Finisher of our faith.

And faith is what God desires for His people to live by. Right before we read through the list of names in “The Hall of Faith”, we see in Hebrews 10:37-39,

[37] For, “Yet a little while, and the coming one will come and will not delay; [38] but my righteous one shall live by faith, and if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him.” [39] But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls. (ESV)

Christian people are people who live their lives by faith. We’re not people who “shrink back and are destroyed”, but we are people who have a sincere faith that preserves our souls. That faith is in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone. It’s Jesus who preserves our souls. And because of who Jesus is, we live by faith in the Son of God who gave Himself for us (Galatians 2:20).

Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”. The Chrisitan life is marked by faith. By faith, we believe in the Triune God of the Bible. By faith, we believe that God keeps His word. By faith, we believe Jesus came, lived a perfect life, died and rose again, ascended into heaven, and will return. By faith, we believe the Holy Spirit dwells within us. Faith is assurance of our hope in Christ and it is the conviction that all things of God are true. And by faith, we live.

But how are we to do this? How are we to live by faith and not shrink in cowardice? This is why Hebrews 11 was written. Faith is a somewhat difficult concept to define and oftentimes is best understood through illustrations and examples. Hebrews 11 describes people who lived out their faith when God commanded them to do something. The chapter is filled with examples of men and women from the Old Testament who have laid hold of their future reward with God. Chapter 11 is intended to deepen our confidence in Jesus, not throw it away. (Hebrews 10:35) 

We see the examples of men like Abel and Moses and women like Sarah and Rahab who lived by faith knowing that without faith, it would be impossible to please God. By faith, we also draw near to God, knowing He exists and is a rewarder of those who seek him. 

God has called us to live by faith in Him and though we have not seen Him, we believe in Him, and by faith, we live our lives to please Him. As one pastor stated, “Hebrews 11 is full of men and women whose moral and spiritual failings, depravity, and sin give us great hope that only through Christ, in Christ, and because of Christ are we accepted into the kingdom of God!”

As we study Hebrews 11, may our faith be strengthened in the glory of our Savior and our hearts encouraged to walk by faith in Christ alone and not by sight. 

Here’s how you can prepare for our weekly sermons through Hebrews 11.


Each week, we’ll share the verses that will be covered in Sunday’s sermon. You can find those verses on your Sunday Sermon notes or in the weekly newsletter. The sermon text will be just a verse or two, so do the work and study out the names of the men and women from Hebrews 11. For instance, when we study the faith of Noah, find out what the Bible says about Noah. You can read about Noah’s life in Genesis 6-9. We won’t tell you where to look; we want you to study on your own!


Pray for the Lord to strengthen your faith in him as we study together Hebrews 11. Pray for the preacher, that he will honor God’s Word and encourage us to seek the Lord. Pray, knowing God’s Word does not return void (Isaiah 55:11) and His Word is sharper than any two edged sword (Hebrews 4:12).


God speaks to us from His Word and when He speaks to us, we must respond. To not respond is disobedience. Throughout this sermon series, respond to the Lord’s leading in your life. Maybe it’s trusting Him more fully or maybe it’s taking a step to serve Him or others in some capacity. Like Peter stepping out of the boat and onto the water, the Lord calls us out and by faith we obey. 

I’m looking forward to studying Hebrews 11 with you and I pray that our faith will be strengthened in Jesus Christ, the One who is at the very center of our Faith.


By His Grace, 

Pastor Matt

Why the Reformation Matters Today

This coming Sunday is Halloween, ending the second largest retail season of the year, only behind the Christmas season. While many people will celebrate with candy and costumes, for Christians, today represents a significant moment in church history. On October 31st, 1517, Martin Luther, a Roman Catholic Monk, nailed his 95 theses to the door of his church. Luther wrote these words out of a deep concern with the Roman Catholic Church’s view on several issues that Luther deemed unBiblical. His efforts lead to what is now referred to as the Protestant Reformation.

I don’t want to spend this entire post recounting the historical moments that both preceded and succeeded Luther’s actions on this day. If you want to read more about Reformation Day, I’ll provide a few links at the bottom.

What I want to write is how the Reformation impacts us today. Though they were flawed men and women, the stance taken by the Reformers 500 years ago is a model for us today. 

We must take a stand for the Gospel.

After Luther posted his 95 theses, he knew he would have to defend his claims. So he stood before the Emperor of Rome and, knowing he may very well lose his life, stated, “Here I stand. I can do no other. So help me, God.”

What Luther was standing for was the Gospel. While the church he served under said salvation can be earned or paid for or you can pay your relatives out of purgatory,  Luther read from the Scriptures that our righteousness was like filthy rags and the only hope for salvation is through Jesus Christ. After years of hating what he was reading in the Scriptures, he fell in love with the righteousness of God. Christ died for our sins and it is his righteousness that is placed on us.

This, among other doctrinal concerns, led Luther to take a stand against the Roman Catholics idea of the Gospel. His influence then is an example for us today. In the midst of so many false gospels, we must take a stand for the true Gospel of Jesus Christ; that salvation comes by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-9).

The church in Luther’s day wanted to make sinners look good, but as Luther put it: “Sinners are attractive because they are loved; they are not loved because they are attractive.”

While we take a stand for the gospel, it also means we take a stand against false gospels taught by churches. Whether it’s the deceitful prosperity Gospel or a works based gospel, we must take a stand for the Gospel. Taking a stand for the Gospel has never been popular, but if we fail to take a stand, then who will?

We must take a stand for the Scriptures.

Luther’s conflict with the church began when the church’s teachings collided with his understanding of the Scripture. He was a Scholar and when he realized that the church was teaching something contrary to the Word of God, he spoke up. He saw God’s Word as authoritative and should be available to all people.

God’s Word must be the authority in our lives. It’s how we learn about God, his grace, and his forgiveness through Jesus. The Holy Spirit uses Scripture to convict us daily. To limit it’s authority is a dangerous step towards apostasy. The church must teach and disciple believers on how to read and study the scriptures.  

We also make sure that all we do within the church is founded on the teachings of the Bible. Our traditions, our theology, and our individual and corporate practice must be grounded in the Word of God. Luther stood up for the authority of the Scriptures during a time when the Catholic church claimed to hold all authority.

We must take a stand for God’s Glory.

It may sound odd, but the church today needs Jesus. While Luther’s church may have said “Jesus!”, everything else said other-wise. It was about the church, it was about the Pope, it was about money. It was about everything other than Jesus. Unfortunately, too many churches have become about other ideas other than Jesus.

If programs, methods, or anything else becomes more important than Jesus, then we’ve missed it. If we give over to more lights or more buildings or more “attractiveness” and set Jesus to the side, then it’s necessary to evaluate our churches. The Reformers understood that it was through Christ alone and it was for God’s glory alone. They weren’t out to make a name for themselves or for their church, they only desired to make a name for Jesus. 

Here are a few indicators that a reformation may be needed within a church:

If the worship is about how well done and entertaining the music is and not about who God is, then a reformation is needed.

If the preaching becomes about the speaker’s giftedness or focuses on relative topics and opinions and not about the teaching of God’s Word, then a reformation is needed.

If the church becomes inwardly focused and not focused on the spreading of the gospel to people outside the church, then a reformation is needed.

It’s never been about us; it must always be about God’s glory.

So much more could be said about the influence of the Reformers. Their impact 500 years ago should influence us to take a stand for Scripture Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Christ Alone, and to the Glory of God Alone. May we all be reformers in our churches.

Happy Reformation Day.



What is Reformation Day? –

3 Things Every Christian Should Know About the Reformation. –

Here We Stood (a brief history of Martin Luther) –

The Reformation and your Church – (This is a Fall Journal loaded with great articles on the reformation. Save this link and read/watch/listen to everything that is included.


Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer – Watch this documentary in its entirety to discover the events God used in Martin Luther’s life that led him to rediscover the gospel of justification by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

Luther in Real Time – It’s 1520. Martin Luther has been declared a heretic by Pope Leo X, and his books are being burned. How much longer before Luther himself is thrown into the fire?

Enter the German Reformer’s dramatic story with Luther: In Real Time. First released 500 years after the events described, this podcast allows you to walk in Martin Luther’s footsteps from his heresy charges to his famous stand for the authority of God’s Word at the Diet of Worms. Share this podcast with people of all ages so they can hear—in Luther’s own words—what Protestants are protesting and why it still matters today.

Family Discipleship: Jesus was Questioned

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus was Questioned

Matthew 22; Mark 12; Luke 20

Story Point: Jesus spoke with wisdom and authority.

Big Picture Question: What did Jesus do to save us? Jesus lived a sinless life, died on the cross, and rose from the dead.

Christ Connection: When the religious leaders questioned Jesus, He answered with wisdom and power. Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. He is the Word of God, who came to show us exactly what God is like. Jesus has authority in heaven and on earth.

Key Passage: Philippians 2:8

The religious leaders despised Jesus. He was a threat to their power, and they didn’t believe He was the Messiah. The Jews decided to confront Jesus with questions. Perhaps He would misspeak, and they could trap Him with His words. The Pharisees’ disciples asked Him, “Teacher, is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?”

As far as these men were concerned, Jesus could not give a satisfactory answer to this question. If Jesus said God’s law required them to pay taxes to Caesar, they could get the Jewish people—who hated paying taxes to the Romans—to turn away from Jesus. If Jesus said God’s law did not require them to pay taxes to Caesar, they could convince the Romans to arrest Jesus. But Jesus answered wisely: “Give … to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” (Matt. 22:21). The men were speechless, and they left.

Then an expert in the law asked Jesus which command in God’s law is most important. The Pharisees knew the law well and felt prepared to argue. Jesus quoted from Deuteronomy 6:5: “Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Then He emphasized a second command: “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Lev. 19:18). These commands summarize the rest of the law, and the Pharisees could not object.

Jesus turned the tables and asked the Pharisees about the Messiah: “Whose son is he?” The Pharisees recognized the Messiah as the son of David. Jesus referred to Psalm 110, in which David calls the Messiah “Lord.” Why would he do that? The Pharisees had no answer. As fully man, Jesus is the son of David. But as fully God, He is greater than David; He is Lord. No one dared to question Jesus again.

When the religious leaders questioned Jesus, He answered with wisdom and power. Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. He is the Word of God, who came to show us exactly what God is like. Jesus has authority in heaven and on earth.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


    • Babies and Toddlers
      • Some teachers tried to trick Jesus.
      • Jesus answered with wisdom.
      • Jesus told the people that He is the Messiah, the Son of God.
      • Jesus spoke with wisdom that comes from God.
      • Jesus died to rescue us.
    • Preschool
      • Jesus spoke with wisdom.
      • What did Jesus do to save us? Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead.
    • Kids
      • Jesus spoke with wisdom and authority.
      • What did Jesus do to save us? Jesus lived a sinless life, died on the cross, and rose from the dead.


    • Philippians 2:8


    • “The Last Supper” (Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22; John 13)

Family Discipleship: Jesus’ Triumphal Entry

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus Triumphal Entry

Matthew 21; Mark 11; Luke 19; John 11

Story Point: People welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem as their King.

Big Picture Question: What did Jesus do to save us? Jesus lived a sinless life, died on the cross, and rose from the dead.

Christ Connection: During Jesus’ triumphal entry, the people welcomed Him as King. Jesus was the Messiah spoken about by the prophet Zechariah: “Look, your King is coming to you; he is righteous and victorious, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” One day, Jesus will return to earth on a white horse as King over everything.

Key Passage: Philippians 2:8

Leading into the last week of Jesus’ ministry before His death and resurrection, Jesus entered Jerusalem as the King of kings. Many of God’s people traveled to Jerusalem for Passover. Jesus and His disciples traveled to Jerusalem as well. Near Bethphage (BETH fayj) and Bethany near the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples ahead into a village.

Jesus told them, “You will find a young donkey tied there. No one has ever sat on it. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone says to you ‘Why are you doing this?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.’” Jesus would fulfill Zechariah’s prophecy: “Look, your King is coming to you … humble and riding on a donkey” (Zech. 9:9).

Jesus made a spectacular entrance into the city. He rode a donkey, and people laid branches and their robes on the ground in front of Him. The people welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem believed He was the promised Messiah, but they expected Him to overthrow Roman oppression and set up an earthly throne. Jesus sent a different message.

The next day, Jesus entered the temple and turned over the tables of the money changers and those selling doves. Jesus referred to Isaiah 56:7, declaring that His kingship would not just be over the Jews but over all people. While Jesus was in the temple, He healed the blind and the lame. Jesus’ actions declared, “I am not just your King; I am also your God.” (See Isa. 35:4-6.)

Finally, the priests and the scribes heard the children in the temple worshiping Jesus as their King. “Do You hear what these children are saying?” they asked. Jesus replied, quoting Psalm 8:2. Jesus gladly received their praise because He was worthy of their praise. Jesus is the Son of God who came to overthrow sin and set up an eternal throne.

During Jesus’ triumphal entry, the people welcomed Him as King. Jesus was the Messiah spoken about by the prophet Zechariah: “Look, your King is coming to you; He is righteous and victorious, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9). One day, Jesus will return to earth on a white horse as King over everything.

Help your kids connect the dots between God’s promises of a Messiah and Jesus’ coming. Help them understand why Jesus came: to save the world from sin!

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.
    • People welcomed Jesus as their King.
    • God sent Jesus to earth because He loves us.
    • Jesus is the King who rescues His people.
    • Jesus died to rescue us.
  • Preschool
    • People welcomed Jesus as their King.
    • What did Jesus do to save us? Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead.
  • Kids
    • People welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem as their King.
    • What did Jesus do to save us? Jesus lived a sinless life, died on the cross, and rose from the dead.


    • Philippians 2:8


    • “Jesus Was Questioned” (Matthew 22; Mark 12; Luke 20)

Family Discipleship: Jesus Showed His Glory

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus Showed His Glory

Matthew 17; Mark 9; Luke 9

Story Point: Jesus showed His glory to Peter, James, and John.

Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus perform miracles? Jesus performed miracles to glorify God, to show He is the Son of God, and to care for people.

Christ Connection: Jesus showed His glory to Peter, James, and John. Jesus said He would die, rise from the dead, and return to heaven. One day, Jesus will come back to earth in His glory to make all things new.

Key Passage: Psalm 40:5

As Jesus traveled and taught, people were trying to figure Him out. Who was this man? Was He a prophet? Was He crazy? Where did He come from? Some people thought He was John the Baptist who had been raised from the dead; others thought He was Elijah or another ancient prophet. Peter recognized Jesus as God’s Messiah. (See Luke 9:19-20.)

One of the ways Jesus revealed His identity was through His miracles. Jesus performed miracles to glorify God, to show He is the Son of God, and to care for people. For three of Jesus’ disciples—Peter, James, and John—Jesus’ identity became even more clear when they witnessed His transfiguration, or change in appearance. The disciples accompanied Jesus to a mountain to pray. The location was likely Mount Hermon, which sits about 40 miles north of the Sea of Galilee.

Jesus’ appearance changed as He prayed: His face changed and His clothes became dazzling white. Moses and Elijah appeared with Him, and they talked about Jesus’ upcoming departure (His death and resurrection). Peter, James, and John had been sleeping, but they awoke to the incredible sight.

When you share with your kids, review who Moses and Elijah were. In the Old Testament, God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Later, Elijah was a prophet to Israel. As Moses and Elijah were leaving, a cloud covered the whole group and a voice—God the Father’s—said, “This is my Son, the Chosen One; listen to him!”

Jesus showed His glory to Peter, James, and John. Jesus said He would die, rise from the dead, and return to heaven. One day, Jesus will come back to earth in His glory to make all things new.

At the transfiguration, Peter, James, and John beheld Jesus’ glory. We look forward to the day when Jesus will return in full glory to make all things new. While we wait, God calls us to share the gospel with others so they can share in the joy of knowing Jesus, the Son of God, and seeing His glory when He returns.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


Babies and Toddlers

Jesus showed His glory to Peter, James, and John.

God said Jesus is His beloved Son.

One day, everyone who loves Jesus will see His glory.

One day, Jesus will come again in His glory.

Jesus showed He is God’s Son.


Jesus showed His glory to Peter, James, and John.

Why did Jesus perform miracles? Jesus performed miracles to show He is the Son of God.


Jesus showed His glory to Peter, James, and John.

Why did Jesus perform miracles? Jesus performed miracles to glorify God, to show He is the Son of God, and to care for people.


Psalm 40:5


“Kingdom Parables” (Matthew 13)

Family Discipleship: Jesus Walks on Water

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus Walks on Water

Matthew 14; Mark 6; John 6

Story Point: Jesus showed He is God by walking on water.

Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus perform miracles? Jesus performed miracles to glorify God, to show He is the Son of God, and to care for people.

Christ Connection:Jesus proved that He can be trusted. His miracles, teaching, death, and resurrection showed that He is who He says He is. Only Jesus can save us when we look to Him in faith.

Key Passage: Psalm 40:5

Jesus had just fed more than five thousand people on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. After sending away the people and directing His disciples to go back across the sea, Jesus went to a mountain to pray. It was late, and He sought to be alone with His Father. Jesus was preparing to fulfill His Father’s plan. Before long, He would die on the cross and rescue people from sin.

While Jesus prayed, the disciples struggled to cross the sea. A storm came and tossed their boat up and down. They didn’t make any progress against the waves. Then, in the early morning hours, they saw a figure walking toward them on the water. They thought it was a ghost, but it was Jesus!

Peter asked Jesus to command him to come out on the water, and Jesus called to him. Peter walked on the water too—until he remembered the storm. Peter took his eyes off of Jesus, and he began to sink. Peter cried out to Jesus, “Save me!”

Jesus took Peter by the hand, and they got into the boat. The wind and waves calmed. Though Peter had doubted, the disciples worshiped Jesus. Clearly He was no ordinary man; this was the Son of God—the promised Messiah!

Jesus proved that He can be trusted. His miracles, teaching, death, and resurrection showed that He is who He says He is. Only Jesus can save us when we look to Him in faith.

As you talk with your kids, encourage them to look to Jesus in faith every day. We can seek Him for our salvation and for help as we live in this world. Even in the midst of fear and doubt, we can hold out our empty hands and cry, “Lord, save me!” He will answer, and we can respond in worship of our Lord and Savior.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus walked on the water to His friends.
    • Jesus rescued Peter when he started to sink.
    • Jesus’ friends believed He is God’s Son.
    • Jesus showed that we can trust Him.
    • Jesus showed He is God’s Son.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus walked on water.
    • Why did Jesus perform miracles? Jesus performed miracles to show He is the Son of God.
  • Kids
    • Jesus showed He is God by walking on water.
    • Why did Jesus perform miracles? Jesus performed miracles to glorify God, to show He is the Son of God, and to care for people.


Psalm 40:5


“Jesus Showed His Glory” (Matthew 17; Mark 9; Luke 9)

Family Discipleship: Jesus Fed the Crowd

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus Fed the Crowd

Matthew 14; Mark 6; Luke 9; John 6

Story Point: Jesus miraculously fed a crowd with five loaves and two fish.

Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus perform miracles? Jesus performed miracles to glorify God, to show He is the Son of God, and to care for people.

Christ Connection:

By feeding the five thousand, Jesus provided for the physical needs of the crowd. The next day, Jesus called Himself the bread of life. (John 6:35) Only Jesus is able to satisfy our souls forever by providing forgiveness, peace with God, and eternal life.

Key Passage: Psalm 40:5

Jesus’ disciples had been working hard, teaching people and healing them. Jesus called them to go away with Him to a desolate place so they could rest. By now, Jesus’ popularity was so great that finding a place to be alone was difficult. When Jesus and His disciples crossed the Sea of Galilee, the crowd of people were already waiting for them on the other side.

Jesus saw the crowds, but He wasn’t frustrated or angry. He didn’t tell them to go away. Instead, He had compassion on them because they were lost—like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who seeks and saves the lost. (See Luke 19:10; John 10:14.)

The miracle Jesus performed that evening—feeding 5,000 men plus women and children—is the only miracle during Jesus’ earthly ministry that is recorded in all four Gospels. The same God who provided manna for the Israelites in the wilderness multiplied loaves and fish to satisfy the crowd.

But Jesus’ didn’t intend to only meet people’s physical needs. He came to satisfy their spiritual needs as well. In John 6:35, Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.” He said that no one who comes to Him will ever be hungry, and no one who believes in Him will ever be thirsty again.

Jesus is the bread that came down from heaven. (See John 6:41.) God provided His Son as the perfect sacrifice to take away our sins. At the first Lord’s Supper, Jesus broke bread—a symbol of His death on the cross. (See Matt. 26:26.)

By feeding the five thousand, Jesus provided for the physical needs of the crowd. The next day, Jesus called Himself the bread of life. (John 6:35) Only Jesus is able to satisfy our souls forever by providing forgiveness, peace with God, and eternal life.

As you share with your kids, help them know that God can and will provide for our needs. Kids can trust Him for their “daily bread.” (See Matt. 6:11.) God met our greatest need in giving us salvation through Jesus. Will He not graciously give us all things?

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus loved people and healed them.
    • Jesus fed a crowd with five loaves and two fish.
    • Jesus provides for people.
    • Only Jesus can give us everything we need.
    • Jesus showed He is God’s Son.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus fed a crowd.
    • Why did Jesus perform miracles? Jesus performed miracles to show He is the Son of God.
  • Kids
    • Jesus miraculously fed a crowd with five loaves and two fish.
    • Why did Jesus perform miracles? Jesus performed miracles to glorify God, to show He is the Son of God, and to care for people.


Psalm 40:5



“Jesus Walked on Water” (Matthew 14; Mark 6; John 6)

Family Discipleship: Jesus Calmed the Storm

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus Calmed the Storm

Matthew 8; Mark 4; Luke 8

Story Point: Jesus calmed a storm to show the disciples He is God.

Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus perform miracles? Jesus performed miracles to glorify God, to show He is the Son of God, and to care for people.

Christ Connection: Jesus’ disciples knew Jesus was a good man and a good teacher. But when Jesus calmed the wind and the waves, He showed His disciples that He is also God. God rules the sea and stills its waves. (Psalm 89:9)

Key Passage: Psalm 40:5

After a long day of teaching, Jesus and His disciples got into a boat to cross over to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. When their short sailing trip was interrupted by a violent storm, the disciples found themselves in danger with nowhere to turn—except to the One who created all things.

Several of the disciples were experienced fishermen. They had spent significant time on the Sea of Galilee, but this storm was so strong that the waves overtook the boat. The disciples were afraid they would drown. As the disciples panicked, what was Jesus doing? He was sleeping!

The disciples woke Jesus. The situation was out of their control, and perhaps they felt forsaken by God. But their reaction was full of irony: “Teacher! Don’t you care that we’re going to die?” (Mark 4:38).

The disciples obviously did not know why Jesus had come to earth. Jesus had come to rescue people from sin. In dying on the cross, Jesus would truly be forsaken by God. (See Matt. 27:46.) Jesus would die the death the disciples—and all sinners—deserve so that they could live forever with God. Did Jesus care that the disciples were going to die? Absolutely. But He was going to rescue them from something worse than drowning. Jesus would save them from spiritual death.

Jesus calmed the wind and the waves. He displayed His power over creation and demonstrated that He is truly God. God has power over the wind and the waves. (See Job 12:15; 28:25; Ps. 33:7; 107:25-30; Amos 4:13.)

Jesus’ disciples knew Jesus was a good man and a good teacher. But when Jesus calmed the wind and the waves, He showed His disciples that He is also God. God rules the sea and stills its waves. (Psalm 89:9)

As you talk with your kids, seize the opportunity to share the gospel. Help them understand the truth the disciples did not yet fully grasp. Who is this man? He is the Messiah, the Savior, and the Son of God.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus and the disciples were in a boat during a storm.
    • Jesus told the wind and waves to be still.
    • Jesus showed His friends that He is the Lord.
    • Jesus has power over everything He made.
    • Jesus showed He is God’s Son.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus calmed a storm.
    • Why did Jesus perform miracles? Jesus performed miracles to show He is the Son of God.
  • Kids
    • Jesus calmed a storm to show the disciples He is God.
    • Why did Jesus perform miracles? Jesus performed miracles to glorify God, to show He is the Son of God, and to care for people.


Psalm 40:5


“Jesus Fed a Crowd” (Matthew 14; Mark 6; Luke 9; John 6)


Family Discipleship: The Good Shepherd

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

The Good Shepherd

John 10

Story Point: Jesus is the Good Shepherd who cares for His people.

Big Picture Question: What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him.

Christ Connection: Jesus is the Good Shepherd. God sent Him to rescue sinners. Jesus laid down His life for His sheep so they could have forgiveness and eternal life. When we trust in Jesus, we are His sheep who listen to, follow, and obey Him.

Key Passage: John 14:25-26

Jesus’ teaching caused division among the Jews. They argued about who He was and where He had come from. Had He really come from God? Was He crazy or demon-possessed? In John 10, Jesus taught about Himself by using a comparison that is found throughout the Old Testament: the Lord as the Shepherd of His people.

In Bible times, shepherding was a common occupation. Leaders of nations—even non-Israelite nations—would refer to themselves as shepherds of the people. A good shepherd would guide, provide for, and protect his people. Yet Old Testament prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel criticized Israel’s leaders for failing to shepherd God’s people well. The Israelites were like sheep—helpless and wandering—and they longed for a truly good shepherd.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who provides abundant life for His sheep. A shepherd would gather his sheep at night and form a pen to keep the sheep in and to keep wild animals and thieves out. The shepherd would lay across the opening. Like a shepherd provides safety for his sheep, Jesus provides salvation and eternal life.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep. A shepherd protects his sheep from wolves and other wild animals, even at risk to his own life. Jesus gave up His life on the cross to rescue sinners from sin and death.

Finally, Jesus is the Good Shepherd who knows His sheep. Even when two or more flocks gathered in a pen, a shepherd could call for his sheep and they would respond to the sound of his voice. Jesus knows His sheep personally.

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, came to do His Father’s plan: to die on the cross and rise again so that we might be saved. We can live sacrificially as we point others to the sacrifice Jesus made for us.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd. God sent Him to rescue sinners. Jesus laid down His life for His sheep so they could have forgiveness and eternal life. When we trust in Jesus, we are His sheep who listen to, follow, and obey Him.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus said that He is the Good Shepherd.
    • Jesus knows His followers, and they know Him.
    • Jesus gave up His life to rescue His people from sin.
    • Those who love Jesus listen to Him and obey Him.
    • Jesus taught about God.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus is the Good Shepherd.
    • What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom.
  • Kids
    • Jesus is the Good Shepherd who cares for His people.
    • What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him.


John 14:25-26 (Preschool: John 14:26)



“Jesus Calmed a Storm” (Matthew 8; Mark 4; Luke 8)

Family Discipleship: Jesus Taught About Possessions

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus Taught About Prayer

Luke 11; 18

Story Point: Jesus taught people not to worry because God provides for our needs.

Big Picture Question: What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him.

Christ Connection: Jesus is our greatest treasure. Jesus left His place in heaven to live humbly on earth. Jesus obeyed God to set up His kingdom. We can give generously and trust God to provide everything we need.

Key Passage: John 14:25-26

A very large crowd—thousands of people (Luke 12:1)—had gathered around Jesus as He taught His disciples. The people recognized Him as a rabbi (teacher), so it was not unusual that someone called out, asking Jesus to settle a financial dispute. But Jesus knew the man was motivated by greed, and He told a story.

In Jesus’ parable, a rich man had so many crops that he decided to tear down his barns and build bigger ones. That way, he could store everything he had and take it easy. But the man was foolish and short-sighted. He didn’t consider he could die that very night. The saying is true: “You can’t take it with you.” Rather than storing up treasures for ourselves, we should live to glorify God and live generously, using what we have on earth to make an eternal impact.

Jesus also addressed worry with His disciples. Jesus’ followers should not be anxious about their basic needs. God takes care of the birds and the flowers. People are God’s most valuable and beloved creatures; we can trust Him to provide for us!

Jesus contrasted the way the unsaved Gentiles lived with how believers should live. Unbelievers seek wealth and possessions as if that was the main goal in life. They act like God does not care about their needs. But our focus should not be on ourselves, our wealth and our possessions; we should focus on God’s kingdom. We do not need to worry. God will provide. He is glad to give us what we need!

God gives us good gifts on earth. We can steward these gifts for His glory. Earthly treasures will not last forever. Jesus is our greatest treasure. Jesus left His place in heaven to live humbly on earth. Jesus obeyed God to set up His kingdom. We can give generously and trust God to provide everything we need.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


Babies and Toddlers

○ Jesus taught about the things we own.

○ Jesus said to seek God’s kingdom first.

○ When we treasure Jesus, He gives us what we need.

○ Jesus is our greatest treasure.

○ Jesus taught about God.


○ Jesus taught people not to worry.

○ What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom.


○ Jesus taught people not to worry because God provides for our needs.

○ What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him.


John 14:25-26 (Preschool: John 14:26)


“The Good Shepherd” (John 10)

Family Discipleship: Jesus Taught About Prayer

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus Taught About Prayer

Luke 11; 18

Story Point: Jesus taught people how to pray.

Big Picture Question: What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him.

Christ Connection: Jesus taught us to pray. Because of Jesus, we can pray to the Father and ask for what we need. We can trust that God is good and loving, and we can count on Him to do what is right.

Key Passage: John 14:25-26

Prayer is personal communication with God. Many people aren’t sure how to pray or feel uncomfortable praying. To pray effectively, then, we must be taught how to pray. This is why Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them to pray.

Jesus began with the Lord’s Prayer, not to establish the words we should use but to show how we should pray and what we should pray about. Through prayer, we demonstrate our dependence on and faith in the Lord. We should approach God as a Father and pray for His kingdom first and then for ourselves and others.

Then Jesus told a story about a man who went to his friend in the middle of the night to ask for food for a visitor. The friend did not want to be bothered but because the man did not give up, the friend finally gave him what he needed. God is not a sleepy neighbor. If a grumpy friend will reward persistence, how much more so will God! He cares about His children and is happy to give us what we need when we ask.

In a similar way, a human father who loves his child would not give him a snake if he asked for a fish. Will God give us everything we ask for? No, but when we are persistent with our prayers, we can trust Him to answer according to His glory and our good.

Jesus used another parable in Luke 18: A judge was unwilling to grant a widow’s plea for justice, but the woman did not give up. So the judge gave her justice. We should not give up praying if we have not received an answer from God. God is not like a wicked judge. When we pray consistently, God will give us justice and He will act quickly.

Jesus taught us to pray. Because of Jesus, we can pray to the Father and ask for what we need. We can trust that God is good and loving, and we can count on Him to do what is right.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus taught His disciples how to pray.
    • Prayer is talking to God.
    • God wants us to ask Him for what we need.
    • Because of Jesus, we can talk to God.
    • Jesus taught about God.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus taught people how to pray.
    • What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom.
  • Kids
    • Jesus taught people how to pray.
    • What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him.


John 14:25-26 (Preschool: John 14:26)


“Jesus Taught About Possessions” (Luke 12)

Family Discipleship: The Cost of Discipleship

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

The Cost of Discipleship

Matthew 8; 16; Luke 9; 14

Story Point: Following Jesus is not easy, but He is worth it.

Big Picture Question: What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him.

Christ Connection:

Jesus taught that following Him is not easy. It requires commitment and sacrifice. When we trust in Jesus, we give Him complete control of our lives. True life is found in Jesus, who gave up His life to rescue us from sin and death. He is worth it.

Key Passage: John 14:25-26

The benefits of following Jesus are wonderful: justification from sin, lifelong sanctification, and adoption into the family of God. But following Jesus also comes at a price. People had waited so long for the promised Messiah to come into the world, so many were eager to follow Him. Yet as Jesus taught, He urged people to consider the cost of being His disciple.

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus explained to one disciple that following Him might involve giving up worldly comforts. He told another disciple that following Him should be higher priority than anything else—even one’s commitment to his parents. (See Matt. 8:18-22.) In Matthew 16 and Luke 9, Jesus told His disciples, “If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.”

Jesus shared two examples in Luke 14 of people who must count the cost of doing something. If a person is building a tower, he must first calculate the cost. If he begins the project and is unable to complete it, onlookers will ridicule him. In a similar way, a king counts the cost of going to war before sending out his army. If he is not able to oppose the enemy, he doesn’t foolishly send out a small group to fight a larger group. Instead, he seeks peace.

Many who wanted to follow Jesus changed their minds. Jesus even asked the twelve disciples if they wanted to turn away as well. Peter answered, “Lord, to whom will we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68).

Jesus taught that following Him is not easy. It requires commitment and sacrifice. When we trust in Jesus, we give Him complete control of our lives. True life is found in Jesus, who gave up His life to rescue us from sin and death. He is worth it.

Paul acknowledged the difficulty of following Jesus in 2 Corinthians 4 but kept his eyes on eternity: “For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory” (v. 17). As you share with your kids, emphasize that following Jesus is not not easy, but He is worth it.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Many people wanted to follow Jesus.
    • Jesus told people they must love Him most of all to follow Him.
    • People who follow Jesus will have life with Him forever.
    • Following Jesus means letting Him be in charge.
    • Jesus taught about God.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus taught that following Him is not easy.
    • What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom.
  • Kids
    • Following Jesus is not easy, but He is worth it.
    • What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him.



John 14:25-26 (Preschool: John 14:26)



“Jesus Taught About Prayer” (Luke 11; 18)

Family Discipleship: Sermon on the Mount

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Sermon on the Mount

Matthew 5-7

Story Point: Jesus told people how to live in God’s kingdom.

Big Picture Question: What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him.

Christ Connection: Jesus taught people what it means to follow Him. He taught how people should live, how they should treat one another, and how to love God. People who trust in Jesus live to honor God and show what His kingdom is like.

Key Passage: John 14:25-26

One of Jesus’ most well-known teachings is the Sermon on the Mount. On that day, crowds of people had come to hear Jesus. Jesus went up on a mountain in Galilee, sat down, and began to teach.

Jesus’ sermon is recorded across three chapters in the Gospel of Matthew, 5–7, and it tells how believers should live. While Matthew 5:1-2 specifies that Jesus taught His disciples, Matthew 7:28 reveals that the crowds listened to His sermon as well.

First, Jesus began with the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes describe God’s great blessings for believers. God’s kingdom belongs to the spiritually needy, God will comfort those who are sad, and God will give mercy to those who show mercy to others. Jesus gives believers reason to be glad when life on earth is hard because great rewards await in heaven.

Jesus also taught how believers should live in a world that does not honor Him. Jesus called believers “the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world” (Matt. 5:13-14). He said the good works of His followers should cause others to give glory to God.

God’s people had the law of Moses, but some of them—the Pharisees, in particular—were concerned mostly with the appearance of being righteous. They tried hard to look righteous on the outside, but it was all an act. Jesus warned against hypocrites, people who pretend to be something they’re not. When a person knows and loves Jesus, he or she has a changed heart that wants to honor Jesus.

Jesus taught people what it means to follow Him. He taught how people should live, how they should treat one another, and how to love God. People who trust in Jesus live to honor God and show what His kingdom is like.

As you talk with your kids, emphasize that this moral teaching was not a list of requirements for being accepted by God. Rather, Jesus described what a person’s life looks like when that person follows God and lives to honor Him. God’s standards remind us that we rely on His grace through the gift of salvation in His Son.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus taught about God’s kingdom.
    • Jesus said believers are blessed even when bad things happen.
    • Jesus’ followers show other people what God is like.
    • People who trust in Jesus live like Him.
    • Jesus taught about God.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus taught people about God’s kingdom.
    • What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom.
  • Kids
    • Jesus taught people how to live in God’s kingdom.
    • What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him.


John 14:25-26 (Preschool: John 14:26)


“The Cost of Following Jesus” (Matthew 8; 16; Luke 9; 14)

Family Discipleship: Jesus Healed a Man who was Blind

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus Healed a Man who was Blind

John 9

Story Point: Jesus gave sight to a man who was blind.

Big Picture Question: Why did God create people? God created people to worship Him, love Him, and show His glory.

Christ Connection: Our sin makes us unable to see the truth about God. Jesus came as a light in a dark world. He came to give us sight—true understanding of God and His kingdom. Those who trust in Jesus see who He is and worship Him.

Key Passage: Isaiah 53:4-5

In the Old Testament, Isaiah prophesied about the coming Messiah. Isaiah 35:5-6 tells about a time when “the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then the lame will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute will sing for joy.” When God the Son came to earth, He came as a Healer—removing skin diseases, raising the dead to life, making the lame walk, and giving sight to the blind.

John 9 gives us a glimpse of the kingdom of God, where creation is redeemed, and opens our eyes to the greater purpose of suffering in our lives. The disciples asked Jesus a question that many still wrestle with today: Why is this person suffering? (In this case, why was this man born blind?) Was it because of sin?

Jesus’ answer gives hope to anyone facing suffering: “Neither this man nor his parents sinned. This came about so that God’s works might be displayed in him” (John 9:3). Because Jesus is Lord over everything, all suffering in this life has meaning and purpose.

Miraculously, Jesus gave sight to the man who was blind. The man’s neighbors noticed the change, and he told them what Jesus had done for him. But the reaction of the religious leaders—skepticism and unbelief—reveals a different kind of blindness: spiritual blindness. Sin keeps us from seeing what is true about God. Jesus came as light into a dark world. He helps us see what is true so we can know God.

Our sin makes us unable to see the truth about God. Jesus came as a light in a dark world. He came to give us sight—true understanding of God and His kingdom. Those who trust in Jesus see who He is and worship Him.

Those who trust in Jesus are freed from sin and worship Jesus as Lord. We can live fully in the light of Jesus as we seek to make Him known to others so that their eyes might be opened to the truth of the gospel as well.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


Babies and Toddlers

○ Jesus healed a man who could not see.

○ Jesus’ friends thought the man did something wrong to be blind.

○ Jesus said the man was blind to show God’s power.

○ Jesus helps us see what is true about God.

○ God created people for His glory.


○ Jesus healed a man who could not see.

○ Why did God create people? God created people to love Him and give Him glory.


○ Jesus gave sight to a man who was blind.

○ Why did God create people? God created people to worship Him, love Him, and show His glory.



Isaiah 53:4-5


“The Sermon on the Mount” (Matthew 5–7)

Family Discipleship: Jesus Healed a Man who was Lame

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus Healed a Man who was Lame

Luke 17

Story Point: Jesus healed a man who could not walk.

Big Picture Question: Why did God create people? God created people to worship Him, love Him, and show His glory.

Christ Connection: The man at the pool was unable to help himself. Jesus healed him, and he obeyed Jesus’ commands. In a similar way, we are unable to free ourselves from sin. Jesus calls us to trust in Him. When we trust in Jesus, He frees us from the power of sin and death so we can follow Him and obey Him.

Key Passage: Isaiah 53:4-5

Located in the city of Jerusalem, the pool of Bethesda was a place many believed to possess healing powers. People who were sick or disabled went to the pool in hopes of being made whole. They believed an angel would stir up the waters, and the first person to get in would be healed. (Some translations include this detail in verse 4; but since the earliest and most accurate manuscripts do not include the detail, most contemporary translations omit it as well.)

Jesus sought out a man at the pool of Bethesda who had been disabled for 38 years. Jesus asked the man, “Do you want to get well?” The man, not recognizing who was talking to him (see John 5:13), explained his inability to get to the pool in time. Filled with compassion, Jesus commanded this man: “Get up, pick up your mat, and walk.” After decades of helplessness, the man was instantly healed. He picked up his mat and walked.

At this time, Jesus slipped away through the crowd. So when the Jewish leaders approached the man, asking questions about the healing and accusing the man of breaking the law by picking up his mat on the Sabbath, the man could not even identify who healed him. Yet Jesus sought out the man a second time. Jesus found the man in the temple and warned him, “Do not sin anymore, so that something worse doesn’t happen to you.”

Jesus cared about the man’s body; He had healed it. But Jesus also cared about the man’s soul. As you teach kids, emphasize that the man at the pool was unable to help himself. Jesus healed him, and he obeyed Jesus’ commands. In a similar way, we are unable to free ourselves from sin. Jesus calls us to trust in Him. When we trust in Jesus, He frees us from the power of sin and death so we can follow Him and obey Him.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus healed a man who could not walk.
    • People were upset that Jesus broke their rules.
    • Jesus said He is God’s Son.
    • Jesus takes away our sin and heals us.
    • God created people for His glory.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus healed a man who could not walk.
    • Why did God create people? God created people to love Him and give Him glory.
  • Kids
    • Jesus healed a man who could not walk.
    • Why did God create people? God created people to worship Him, love Him, and show His glory.



Isaiah 53:4-5



“Jesus Healed a Man Who Was Blind” (John 9)


28 Days together in Acts

This Sunday, we are gathering again in person as a church family. It’s been three months since we have been together and I for one cannot wait! The church is intended to be gathered together to worship Jesus and to love and encourage one another. If you haven’t already, please RSVP to our first Sunday back together. This will help us know how many people to expect on Sunday.

As we have been leading up to our reopening, I’ve been spending time in prayer, asking the Lord to direct our steps. I deeply desire for our church to be led by the Holy Spirit as we make disciples who make disciples. This has been the modus operandi of our church since we first gathered together.

I believe it is best for us to remember why our church exists and what better way than to look to the early church in Acts as our example. The Book of Acts was written by Luke as a “sequel” to his Gospel record “Luke”. In fact, it’s best to read these two New Testament books together.

Luke gave this historical book the title “Acts” as a short descriptor of what the book is about: the acts of the Holy Spirit. After Jesus ascends into heaven, the Holy Spirit empowers the disciples to go and make disciples throughout the world. Acts is this story and that story continues through us today.

I’m calling our church to read the story of the early church together. I believe the Holy Spirit wants us to read together to see how we carry the same mission that God gave the early church.

Beginning Monday, June 22 (the day after we gather again) let’s spend 28 days reading the book of Acts together. That’s one chapter every day. You can join in on the reading plan found on the Bible app, which also includes additional devotional content.

As you read through a chapter a day, I’m asking you to look to see how the early church:

  1. Grew in the power of the Gospel, both spiritually (individually and corporately) and numerically.
  2. Connected with one another because of the Gospel
  3. Influenced the lost around them with the gospel.

This is our strategy but it is not new to us. It is the strategy of the church built on Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. As you read through Acts, I pray you will see what God has called us to do as a church. I’m praying this new chapter we are entering is the beginning of a Holy Spirit movement in us and in our community. 

So join in and read through Acts with us and let’s be led by the Holy Spirit as we make disciples who make disciples.

By His Grace,

Pastor Matt

Family Discipleship: Jesus Healed a Woman and a Girl

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus Healed a Woman and a Girl

Luke 17

Jesus had just returned from the region of the Gerasenes, where He had healed a man with an unclean spirit. He crossed the Sea of Galilee and came on shore, where He was surrounded by a large crowd of people. News of Jesus’ teachings and healings was spreading, and people wanted to see Jesus. They wanted to learn from Him and be healed.

Jairus, a leader in the synagogue, came to Jesus in crisis. His daughter was at the point of death. Without Jesus’ help, she would surely die. Jesus went with Jairus, but as He walked, a woman in the crowd came up behind Him and touched His robes. She too was desperate for healing. The woman believed that Jesus’ power was strong enough to heal her even if all she did was touch His robes. Because she had faith, Jesus healed her.

Imagine Jairus’s devastation when he heard that his daughter had died. The people suggested that Jesus was too late to help her, but Jesus proved them wrong. He went to Jairus’s house and raised the little girl from the dead.

By healing the woman and raising the little girl from the dead, Jesus showed His power as the Messiah. Jesus died on the cross and rose again to save people from sin and death. When we trust in Jesus, God forgives our sins and changes us to be more like His Son.

As you talk with your kids, point out that the woman and the father of the little girl came to Jesus in faith. They needed Jesus’ help, and they trusted in Jesus’ power to heal. After Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead, He ascended to heaven. Even though Jesus is not physically on earth today, we can pray and ask God to heal people who are sick. Whether or not God grants physical healing, we can rest knowing that He brings ultimate healing through His Son, Jesus.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • A woman touched Jesus’ robes to be healed.
    • Jesus made a girl alive again.
    • Jesus showed His power as the Messiah.
    • Jesus can heal and give dead people life.
    • God created people for His glory.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus healed a woman and brought a girl back to life.
    • Why did God create people? God created people to love Him and give Him glory.
  • Kids
    • Jesus healed a woman and raised a girl from the dead.
    • Why did God create people? God created people to worship Him, love Him, and show His glory.


Isaiah 53:4-5


“Jesus Healed a Man Who Was Lame” (John 5)


Family Discipleship: Jesus Healed Ten Men

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus Healed Ten Men

Luke 17

Story Point: Jesus healed ten men, and one was saved.

Big Picture Question: Why did God create people? God created people to worship Him, love Him, and show His glory.

Christ Connection: Jesus healed the ten men who cried out to Him. The one who had faith was saved. When we trust in Jesus by faith, He heals us from something greater than a disease; He saves us from our sins. We can give Him thanks and worship Him for making us new.

Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem when He stopped in a village. He was approached by ten men who had leprosy. The men didn’t get too close because according to Jewish law, their disease meant they were unclean. Leviticus 13–14 details the law regarding skin diseases such as leprosy. A person had to go to a priest for a diagnosis, was isolated from others, and then—after healing occurred—returned to the priest to be examined, cleansed, and restored to the community.

The men cried out to Jesus for mercy, and He commanded them to go and show themselves to the priests. As they went, Jesus miraculously healed them. This healing gave the men a new beginning. They would be able to return to their friends and family members. One of the men—a Samaritan among Jews—seeing that he was healed, returned to Jesus.

Luke tells us how this man responded: “He … gave glory to God. He fell facedown at his [Jesus’] feet, thanking him” (Luke 17:15-16). This humility and gratitude were evidences of faith. The man’s response shows an understanding of God’s mercy and goodness. Jesus declared, “Get up and go on your way. Your faith has saved you” (v. 19). This man was healed not just physically but spiritually.

Jesus healed the ten men who cried out to Him. The one who had faith was saved. When we trust in Jesus by faith, He heals us from something greater than a disease; He saves us from our sins. We can give Him thanks and worship Him for making us new.

The Bible says all of us have sinned. Our sin makes us unclean, but we can cry out to God like the men with leprosy: “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” God hears our prayers and answers. The gospel welcomes everyone who turns from their sin and trusts in Jesus.

As you talk with your kids, emphasize that when we trust in Jesus by faith, He heals us from something greater than a disease; He saves us from our sins. We can give Him thanks and worship Him for making us new.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus healed ten men from their skin disease.
    • Only one man went back to thank Jesus.
    • Jesus saves us when we have faith in Him.
    • When we trust in Jesus, He heals us from sin.
    • God created people for His glory.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus healed ten men with a skin disease.
    • Why did God create people? God created people to love Him and give Him glory.
  • Kids
    • Jesus healed ten men, and one was saved.
    • Why did God create people? God created people to worship Him, love Him, and show His glory.
    • Isaiah 53:4-5
    • “Jesus Healed a Woman and a Girl” (Mark 5)

Family Discipleship: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

John 4

Story Point: Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to those who believe.

Big Picture Question: What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.

Christ Connection: Jesus offers something better than physical water; He gives us Himself. Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to everyone who comes to Him by faith. We can worship Him as Lord and Savior wherever we are.

At the time Jesus was on earth, Jews and Samaritans didn’t get along. The strife between the two groups stretched back hundreds of years, to the Babylonian exile.

When the Babylonians attacked Judah, they moved a large group of God’s people away from their homes. But some of the people—the poorest, sickest, least able to work—were left behind in the region that became known as Samaria. The exile lasted 70 years. During that time, those left in Samaria began to mingle with their neighbors to the north. They intermarried and practiced foreign customs. While the Samaritans still believed in God, they adapted foreign beliefs as well.

The Jews who returned home from Babylon to rebuild God’s temple in Jerusalem rejected this new way of life. They were dedicated to obeying and worshiping God, so they didn’t agree with the Samaritans’ practices. The Samaritans opposed the Jews’ efforts to reestablish their nation. In time, the Jews’ hate for the Samaritans grew—so much so that a Jew traveling from Judea to Galilee would take a longer route to travel around Samaria rather than through it.

Jesus broke down barriers when He traveled to Galilee by way of Samaria. Even more surprising, Jesus stopped at a well around noon and asked a Samaritan woman for a drink. Jewish men did not speak to women in public.

But Jesus was kind to her, and He offered her a gift: living water. The woman didn’t understand, but Jesus revealed His knowledge of her past. He even gave her a glimpse of the future. The Samaritan woman expected a Messiah to come and fix everything. Jesus said, “I am He.”

Explain to kids that the living water Jesus offers is the Holy Spirit. (See John 7:37-39.) The Holy Spirit is a gift that He is eager to give us when we ask Him. Those who receive His grace will never be thirsty again.

Jesus offers something better than physical water; He gives us Himself. Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to everyone who comes to Him by faith. We can worship Him as Lord and Savior wherever we are.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.



  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Anyone who trusts in Jesus will be saved.
    • Jesus cared for people.
    • Jesus spoke to a Samaritan woman.
    • The woman told people to come and hear Jesus.
    • Many people believed Jesus is God’s Son.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus loves all people.
    • What makes people special? People are special because God made us in His own image.
  • Kids
    • Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to those who believe.
    • What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.


John 3:16


“Jesus Healed Ten Men” (Luke 17)

Family Discipleship: Jesus and Nicodemus

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus and Nicodemus

John 3

Story Point:Jesus taught that we must be born again.

Big Picture Question: What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.

Christ Connection: Nicodemus needed new life—eternal life—but he could not do anything to earn it. Eternal life is a gift that comes only from God. God showed His love in this way: He sent His one and only Son to save the world. Everyone who believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life.

Jesus’ ministry had begun. His early miracles included turning water into wine, casting out demons, and healing people. John 2:23 says that “many believed in his name when they saw the signs he was doing.” Jesus likely spent a large part of His day teaching. When the day was done, He spent time alone or with His disciples. One night, a man named Nicodemus approached Jesus.

Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a ruler of the Jews; that is, he was a religious leader who taught God’s law, and he was a member of the Sanhedrin—a Jewish governing body. Nicodemus held to the belief that if a person was a law-abiding Jew, he would be accepted by God. Jesus gave Nicodemus a lesson that would turn his belief system on its head.

Jesus was a carpenter (Mark 6:3), so the religious teachers likely assumed He didn’t know theology. But they had seen Jesus’ miraculous signs in Jerusalem. Nicodemus had to conclude, “You are a teacher who has come from God” (John 3:2).

Nicodemus initiated the conversation, but Jesus chose the subject. His words perplexed Nicodemus: “Unless someone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). Jesus explained that spiritual birth is not unlike physical birth in that a person cannot do it himself; it is something that happens to him.

Jesus reminded Nicodemus of an Old Testament account, the disobedient Israelites and the bronze snake. The Israelites could not help themselves, but when they trusted in God and looked to the bronze snake lifted up on the pole, they were healed. (Num. 21:4-9)

Emphasize to your kids that every person is born a sinner—spiritually dead and alienated from God. It is by God’s Spirit—not our own effort—that we are born again. We look to Jesus and His finished work on the cross for our salvation.

Nicodemus needed new life—eternal life—but he could not do anything to earn it. Eternal life is a gift that comes only from God. God showed His love in this way: He sent His one and only Son to save the world. Everyone who believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


Babies and Toddlers

○ Jesus gives us life forever with God.

○ Jesus cared for people.

○ Nicodemus went to see Jesus at night.

○ Jesus told Nicodemus about God’s plan.

○ God sent Jesus to earth because He loves us.


○ Jesus told Nicodemus about God’s great plan.

○ What makes people special? People are special because God made us in His own image.


○ Jesus taught that we must be born again.

○ What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.



John 3:16



“Jesus and the Samaritan Woman” (John 4)

Family Discipleship: Jesus Taught in Nazareth

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus’ Taught in Nazareth

Luke 4

Story Point: Jesus taught that He is the Messiah.

Big Picture Question: What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.

Christ Connection: Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah wrote about God’s plan to send a Messiah. The Messiah would bring good news and redeem people who were broken and hurting. Jesus read Isaiah’s words and announced that He is the promised Messiah.

Jesus was about 30 years old when He began His earthly ministry. After John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, Jesus was tempted in the desert. Jesus traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover. Then He headed north to Galilee. He went through the region of Samaria, stopping at Jacob’s well to talk to a Samaritan woman.

After, Jesus went to the town of Nazareth, where He had grown up. Nazareth was a small village in the hills between the Sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean Sea. On the Sabbath day, Jesus went into the synagogue to teach. He read aloud the words of the prophet Isaiah. (See Isa. 61:1-2.) Jesus sat down. Everyone’s eyes were on Him as He explained, “Today as you listen, this Scripture has been fulfilled.” Jesus was saying, It’s Me. The words Jesus read were coming true. Some people remembered Jesus from His youth. They asked, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”

Jesus knew their thoughts; Jesus had performed miracles in Capernaum, and the people wanted Jesus to do miracles in His hometown too. Jesus reminded them of two Old Testament accounts. Many widows lived in Israel when the prophet Elijah was there, but God sent Elijah to help a widow in another country. And Elisha likely encountered Israelites who had leprosy, but he healed Naaman the Syrian.

Jesus wanted the people to understand that His miracles were an act of grace—a gift. No one deserves God’s grace, so God may show grace to whomever He pleases—even Gentiles. The people were angry about that last part. They drove Jesus away, intending to kill Him, but Jesus escaped through the crowd.

As you share with your kids, explain that Jesus came to give sight to the blind and to set the captives free. He came preaching good news to all the people groups. Finally, the Messiah had come! Jesus was God’s plan to save sinners.

Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah wrote about God’s plan to send a Messiah. The Messiah would bring good news and redeem people who were broken and hurting. Jesus read Isaiah’s words and announced that He is the promised Messiah.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus saves people from sin.
    • Jesus cared for people.
    • Jesus read Isaiah’s message in Nazareth.
    • Jesus said God sent Him to preach good news.
    •  God sent Jesus because He loves us.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus taught that He is the Messiah.
    • What makes people special? People are special because God made us in His own image.
  • Kids
    • Jesus taught that He is the Messiah.
    • What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.


John 3:16


“Jesus and Nicodemus” (John 3)

Family Discipleship: Jesus’ First Miracles

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus’ Early Miracles

Mark 1

Story Point: People came to Jesus, and He healed them.

Big Picture Question: What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.

Christ Connection: Jesus’ miracles proved that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. They strengthened people’s faith and met their needs. Through Jesus, God did what is impossible for us to do on our own. He provided forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life.

Early in His ministry, Jesus and His disciples traveled to Capernaum, a town on the northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee. Capernaum became Jesus’ home and headquarters. (See Matt. 4:13.) He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath, when people would gather to hear and learn from the Scriptures.

Jesus quickly set Himself apart from the scribes and other religious teachers. Unlike the scribes, who relied completely on traditional interpretations of the Torah from other teachers, Jesus spoke with authority. His teaching came from His own authority as the Author of truth, and it had a profound effect on His listeners—they were astonished!

The early miracles recorded in Mark 1 demonstrate Jesus’ power and authority as the Son of God. Jesus drove an unclean spirit from a man in the synagogue; even the demons obey His commands. Then Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law, and that evening the people in the town brought to Jesus all those who were sick or afflicted with unclean spirits. What did Jesus do? He healed them! (Mark 1:34)

Jesus’ miracles continued, and He healed a man with leprosy. Leprosy is a skin disease that would have marked a person as “unclean,” requiring him to be separated from the community. Jesus had compassion on the man and healed him immediately.

Jesus’ miracles brought many people to faith in Him. Jesus’ miracles proved that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. They strengthened people’s faith and met their needs. Through Jesus, God did what is impossible for us to do on our own. He provided forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus’ miracles showed that He is God’s Son.
    • Jesus cared for people.
    • Jesus taught people about God.
    • Jesus healed people who were sick.
    • Jesus takes away our sin and heals our sickness.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus’ miracles helped people.
    • What makes people special? People are special because God made us in His own image.
  • Kids
    • People came to Jesus, and He healed them.
    • What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.


John 3:16


“Jesus Taught in Nazareth” (Luke 4)

Family Discipleship: Jesus Called Disciples

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus Called Disciples

Matthew 4; 9, Mark 1-3, Luke 5-6

Story Point: Jesus called disciples to follow Him.

Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to obey His Father’s plan and rescue sinners.

Christ Connection: John the Baptist told people to get ready for Jesus, the promised Messiah. Now that Jesus was on earth, John’s mission was complete. Jesus was greater than John, and John joyfully stepped aside as Jesus began His earthly ministry.

In the first century, rabbi was a title given to a respected expert in the law of Moses. A rabbi studied the Scriptures and taught through speaking and writing. Jews wanted to honor God in how they lived, and they looked to the rabbis to instruct them in their behavior.

The word rabbi translates “my master.” Jewish students would seek out a rabbi and ask to follow him. A rabbi would choose only a few highly-promising students to be his disciples. If a student was not accepted by the rabbi, he likely returned home to learn a trade. Those chosen to be a rabbi’s disciples followed him everywhere. They learned from the rabbi how to think and how to act. They trusted the rabbi, and the goal was to become just like him.

When Jesus chose His disciples, His strategy was unusual. Rather than waiting for students to come to Him, Jesus sought out His disciples among the people who followed Him. He found them working—fishing and repairing nets. Some of Jesus’ disciples were introduced to Him by their friends. He approached these ordinary men and said, “Follow Me.” Their response? “Immediately they left … and followed him” (Matt. 4:20,22).

The Twelve—Simon (Peter) and his brother Andrew; James and John; Philip; Bartholomew; Matthew; Thomas; James, son of Alphaeus; Thaddaeus; Simon; and Judas—spent time with Jesus during His ministry. Jesus taught them how to live in light of God’s coming kingdom. He commissioned them to teach others about Him. The good news about Jesus is too great not to share with the entire world.

The call to follow Jesus is not an easy one. Jesus said, “If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me” (Matt. 16:24). Jesus calls us to do the same—to surrender our lives for His purposes and perhaps even to die. “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of me will find it” (Matt. 16:25).

Jesus came to earth to show what God is like and to save people from their sins. This is great news! Jesus told His disciples to tell others about Him, and we are Jesus’ disciples when we trust in Him. Everyone in the world needs to hear the good news about Jesus.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus’ friends love Him and tell others about Him.
    • Jesus obeyed God’s plan.
    • Jesus chose twelve disciples.
    • Jesus taught His disciples about God’s plan.
    • People who love Jesus are also His disciples.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus chose disciples to follow Him.
    • Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to rescue sinners.
  • Kids
    • Jesus called disciples to follow Him.
    • Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to obey His Father’s plan and rescue sinners.



John 3:30


“Jesus’ Early Miracles” (Mark 1)

Family Discipleship: John Pointed to Jesus

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

John Pointed to Jesus

Matthew 3; John 1, 3

Story Point: John the Baptist told people to follow Jesus.

Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to obey His Father’s plan and rescue sinners.

Christ Connection: John the Baptist told people to get ready for Jesus, the promised Messiah. Now that Jesus was on earth, John’s mission was complete. Jesus was greater than John, and John joyfully stepped aside as Jesus began His earthly ministry.

Key Passage: John 3:30

Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, the prophets had spoken of a forerunner—someone who would get people ready for Jesus. (Isa. 40:3; Mal. 3:1) At just the right time, “John came baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Mark 1:4). These baptisms were an outward sign of cleansing for people who had repented of their sins.

John’s followers were concerned when they saw Jesus and His disciples, who were baptizing people too. They came to John, who pointed out several things about himself and about Jesus. Consider these comparisons as John explained that Jesus was greater than John.

First, who were they? John was clear: “I am not the Messiah” (John 3:28). John was not the bridegroom, but the groom’s friend. Jesus is the bridegroom. (John 3:29)

Where did they come from? John was from the earth, and he belonged to the earth. Jesus comes from above and is above all. (John 3:31)

What did they do? John said, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” John was a witness to the Light. (John 1:7-8) He was a voice in the wilderness, and Jesus is the Word. (John 1:14,23) John the Baptist told people to get ready for the Messiah. He baptized with water, but Jesus baptized with the Spirit. (John 1:33)

Finally, why were they here? John went before Jesus and rejoiced with Him. (John 3:28-29) Jesus came to give eternal life. (John 3:36)

John described his joy as being complete. (John 3:29) The One for whom he had prepared the people was here. The time had come for John to step aside and let Jesus take the spotlight. John’s mission was complete.

John the Baptist told people to get ready for Jesus, the promised Messiah. Now that Jesus was on earth, John’s mission was complete. Jesus was greater than John, and John joyfully stepped aside as Jesus began His earthly ministry.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus is greater than anything and anyone.
    • Jesus obeyed God’s plan.
    • John was not the Messiah.
    • John said Jesus is more important than him.
    • Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God.
  • Preschool
    • John told people to follow Jesus.
    • Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to rescue sinners.
  • Kids
    • John the Baptist told people to follow Jesus.
    • Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to obey His Father’s plan and rescue sinners.


John 3:30



“Jesus Called His Disciples” (Matthew 4,9; Mark 1–3; Luke 5–6)

Family Discipleship: Jesus’ Temptation

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus’ Temptation

Matthew 4; Mark 1; Luke 4

Story Point: Jesus was tempted and never sinned.

Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to obey His Father’s plan and rescue sinners.

Christ Connection: Jesus was tempted, but He trusted God and never sinned. Jesus is perfect and righteous. A perfect sacrifice was required to take away sin. Jesus was that perfect sacrifice. He died on the cross to free us from sin and to give us the power to say no to temptation.

Key Passage: John 3:30

Satan wants to ruin God’s plan. In Genesis 3, he tempted Adam and Eve to disobey God. Sin entered the world, and the perfect relationship between God and man was broken. But all along, God had a plan to rescue His people through His Son. So when Jesus came to earth, Satan didn’t back down. After Jesus was baptized—beginning His ministry and effectively declaring war on Satan—Satan tempted Jesus.

If Satan could just get Jesus to stray from God’s perfect plan—if he could just get Jesus to sin—then Jesus would be disqualified to be the sinless Savior people needed. But Satan could not stop God’s plan.

Jesus’ temptation is not primarily an example to be followed but more a declaration of who Jesus is. He is the answer to God’s promise of a descendant who would crush the head of the snake. (Gen. 3:15) Jesus is the perfect sacrifice required to take away sin. Where Adam failed, Jesus succeeded. Adam brought guilt and death to the human race, but Jesus brings forgiveness and life to all who trust in Him.

Even today, the devil works hard “to steal and kill and destroy” (John 10:10). Teach kids that the power to resist temptation comes from Jesus. Kids may struggle to understand that following Jesus won’t mean instant eradication of temptation and sin in our lives. (Sanctification is a lifelong process!) Pray that your kids would see Jesus as their greatest treasure—more valuable than any instant gratification the world has to offer.

Finally, give your kids hope for when they fail. Jesus’ perfect obedience is credited to those who trust in Him. Remind the kids that “if we confess our sins, he [God] is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). We can boldly approach God’s throne to receive both grace and mercy when we need it. (See Heb. 4:14-16.)

Jesus was tempted, but He trusted God and never sinned. Jesus is perfect and righteous. A perfect sacrifice was required to take away sin. Jesus was that perfect sacrifice. He died on the cross to free us from sin and to give us the power to say no to temptation.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.



  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus always did what was right.
    • Jesus obeyed God’s plan.
    • Jesus was tempted in the wilderness.
    • Jesus always obeyed God’s words.
    • God sent Jesus because He loves us.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus was tempted and never sinned.
    • Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to rescue sinners.
  • Kids
    • Jesus was tempted and never sinned.
    • Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to obey His Father’s plan and rescue sinners.


John 3:30


“John Pointed to Jesus” (Matthew 3; John 1,3)

Family Discipleship: Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection

Matthew 26-28; 1 Corinthians 15

Story Point: Jesus’ resurrection gives is hope for eternal life.

Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to obey His Father’s plan and rescue sinners.

Christ Connection: Jesus’ death and resurrection is the center of the gospel. In Adam, we were spiritually dead in sin, but Jesus died to pay for our sins. Jesus is alive! God gives new life to everyone who trusts in Jesus.

Key Passage: John 3:30

Dear Parents,

Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection are essential to the Christian faith. If we teach Jesus as a respected teacher and miracle-worker who claimed to be the Messiah and who was crucified on the cross—but who was not resurrected—then we are teaching the Jesus of Judaism. If we teach Jesus as a wise teacher and prophet who ascended into heaven—but who was not crucified—then we are teaching the Jesus of Islam.

Jesus’ purpose for coming to earth was to save us from our sins. (Matt. 1:21) Jesus came to die to show God’s love to us (Rom. 5:7-8) so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16) Jesus came to die so that we would be forgiven. (Eph. 1:7) Jesus came to die to bring us to God. (1 Pet. 3:18)

Jesus died on the cross to satisfy the wrath of God toward sin. His resurrection proved that God was satisfied with Jesus’ sacrifice. If Jesus had died but not been raised up, He would have been like military leaders who died without a throne. (Acts 5:33-37) But Jesus conquered death, just as He said He would. (John 2:19-21) If there was no resurrection, Paul says, our faith would be worthless. We would be dead in our sins. (1 Cor. 15:17)

But Jesus’ resurrection gives us hope for our resurrection. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead will raise our bodies to life. (Rom. 8:11)

Jesus’ death and resurrection is the center of the gospel. In Adam, we were spiritually dead in sin, but Jesus died to pay for our sins. Jesus is alive! God gives new life to everyone who trusts in Jesus. As you share with your kids, emphasize the gospel: the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done. We do not worship a dead Savior. Jesus is alive! There is hope for sinners. Jesus’ resurrection gives believers the promise of new life. “For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive” (1 Cor. 15:22).

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus brings forgiveness and life with God forever.
    • Jesus obeyed God’s plan.
    • God sent Jesus to rescue us.
    • Jesus died on the cross and is alive.
    • People who trust in Jesus will be alive with Him forever!
  • Preschool
    • Jesus gives us life with God forever.
    • Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to rescue sinners.
  • Kids
    • Jesus’ resurrection gives us hope for eternal life.
    • Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to obey His Father’s plan and rescue sinners.


John 3:30


“Jesus’ Temptation” (Matthew 4; Mark 1; Luke 4)

Family Discipleship: Jesus’ Baptism

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus’ Baptism

Matthew 3; Mark 1; Luke 3; John 1

Story Point: Jesus obeyed God by being baptized.

Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to obey His Father’s plan and rescue sinners.

Christ Connection: Jesus never sinned, but He obeyed God and was baptized like sinners are baptized. Baptism reminds us of Jesus’ death and resurrection. It reminds us that when we trust in Jesus, we turn from sin and start a new life—a life lived for Jesus.

Key Passage: John 1:1-2

Dear Parents,

Zechariah’s son, John, grew up in the wilderness. His ministry began when God’s word came to him, and he began preaching near the Jordan River. John worked to get people ready for the coming of Jesus, fulfilling the Old Testament prophecy, “A voice of one crying out: Prepare the way of the LORD in the wilderness” (Isa. 40:3a).

John called people to repent of their sins, and he baptized them in the Jordan River. John also instructed people on right living. (See Luke 3:10-14.) Some of the people suspected that John might be the Messiah, but John insisted, “One who is more powerful than I am is coming” (Luke 3:16).

Before His ministry began, Jesus came from Galilee to be baptized by John at the Jordan River. But John was calling people to a baptism of repentance. Jesus never sinned (see Heb. 4:15; 2 Cor. 5:21), so why did Jesus come to be baptized? John recognized this when he said, “I need to be baptized by you, and yet you come to me?” (Matt. 3:14).

Commentators’ ideas vary about why exactly Jesus was baptized. Perhaps He was affirming John’s work. Maybe He was identifying with sinners or showing them how they would be saved—through His death, burial, and resurrection. Jesus answered John, “Allow it for now, because this is the way for us to fulfill all righteousness” (Matt. 3:15). Jesus completely obeyed God, and God audibly confirmed His sonship.

As you share with your kids, allow time for them to ask questions about repentance, salvation, and baptism. Emphasize that baptism is not what saves us; baptism is a way we show that we have been saved. Jesus never sinned, but He obeyed God and was baptized like sinners are baptized. Baptism reminds us of Jesus’ death and resurrection. It reminds us that when we trust in Jesus, we turn from sin and start a new life—a life lived for Jesus.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • People are baptized to show they follow Jesus.
    • Jesus obeyed God’s plan.
    • Jesus always obeys God perfectly.
    • God wanted John to baptize Jesus.
    • Everything Jesus does makes God happy.
  • Preschool
    • John baptized Jesus.
    • Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to rescue sinners.
  • Kids
    • Jesus obeyed God by being baptized.
    • Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to obey His Father’s plan and rescue sinners.



John 3:30


“EASTER: Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection” (N)

Family Discipleship: Jesus as a Child

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus as a Child

Matthew 2; Luke 2

Story Point: Even as a child, Jesus wanted to do His Father’s plan.

Big Picture Question: Is Jesus God or a human? As the Son of God, Jesus is both fully God and fully human.

Christ Connection: God sent Jesus to earth with a purpose. Even as a child, Jesus wanted to honor God. God blessed Jesus as He got ready to follow His Father’s plan: to die on the cross and rescue people from sin.

Key Passage: John 1:1-2

Dear Parents,

The Gospel of Luke records just two narratives about Jesus’ childhood: His dedication (Luke 2:21-40) and His visit to the temple when He was 12 years old (Luke 2:41-52). The Gospel of Matthew includes another story: a visit from some wise men. These stories of Jesus as a child set the stage for Jesus’ ministry as an adult.

After Jesus was born, God put a star in the sky as a sign. Wise men from the east followed the star to Jerusalem, looking for a new king. They found Jesus, who was probably 1 or 2 years old, in Bethlehem and they worshiped Him as King. Later, Jesus and His family settled in Nazareth, where Jesus grew up.

In Bible times, a Jewish boy became a man at 13. His father would train him to take on all the responsibilities of adulthood—social and spiritual. Joseph was a carpenter, and he likely trained Jesus in his trade. When Mary and Joseph went to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, Joseph might have taken Jesus, who was about 12, around the city to teach Him the significance of the temple and to explain the purpose of the Passover feast.

Jesus’ parents headed home after the feast. They assumed Jesus was among their traveling companions, but He wasn’t. Jesus had stayed behind at the temple. A full day passed before Mary and Joseph noticed Jesus was missing. They hurried back to Jerusalem and finally found Him at the temple. Jesus asked His mother, “Didn’t you know that I had to be in My Father’s house?” Mary and Joseph did not understand. But Jesus is God’s Son, and it was necessary that He honor His true Father. In all this, Jesus did not sin.

The Bible does not give many details about Jesus’ childhood, but we know that as Jesus got older, He grew “in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and with people” (Luke 2:52). Jesus carried out God’s plan to reconcile the world to Himself. (2 Cor. 5:19)

God sent Jesus to earth with a purpose. Even as a child, Jesus wanted to honor God. God blessed Jesus as He got ready to follow His Father’s plan: to die on the cross and rescue people from sin.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus came to earth to do God’s plan.
    • There is no one like Jesus.
    • Jesus went to the temple to worship God.
    • Jesus knew all about God’s Word.
    • Jesus grew, and God was with Him.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus came to earth to do His Father’s plan.
    • Is Jesus God or a human? Jesus is both fully God and fully human.
  • Kids
    • Even as a child, Jesus wanted to do His Father’s plan.
    • Is Jesus God or a human? As the Son of God, Jesus is both fully God and fully human.


John 1:1-2 (Preschool: John 1:1)


“Jesus’ Baptism” (Matthew 3; Mark 1; Luke 3; John 1)

Family Discipleship: Jesus Was Dedicated

nformation on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus Was Dedicated

Luke 2

Story Point: Simeon and Anna worshiped Jesus as the Messiah.

Big Picture Question: Is Jesus God or a human? As the Son of God, Jesus is both fully God and fully human.

Christ Connection: Throughout the Old Testament, God promised the arrival of a king who would redeem people. When Jesus arrived, Simeon and Anna knew He was the promised Messiah. Today, we have faith that Jesus is God’s Son. We can trust Jesus for our salvation, and like Simeon and Anna, we should share the good news.

Key Passage: John 1:1-2

Dear Parents,

God had chosen Mary and Joseph to be Jesus’ earthly parents. Mary and Joseph named their baby Jesus, obeying God in faith that salvation had indeed come into the world. (See Matt. 1:21.) When the time came for Jesus to be dedicated and Mary to be purified, Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem.

According to the law given to Moses, after a woman gave birth, she was “unclean” and would observe a period of purification. Then she would bring an offering to the priest. (See Lev. 12:1-6.) Jesus was about five weeks old when Mary and Joseph dedicated Him to the Lord and offered the required sacrifice.

Simeon was also at the temple that day, not by mere coincidence but by the Holy Spirit’s leading. (Luke 2:27) Simeon spent His life serving the Lord and looked forward to the day when God would keep His promise to comfort Israel. (See Isa. 57:18.) God promised that Simeon would live long enough to see the Messiah. That day had finally come. Imagine his joy. At last, the Savior was here!

Simeon saw the baby Jesus, took Him in his arms, and praised God. Simeon expressed prophetic praise, trusting by faith that God would keep His promise through this child: “My eyes have seen your salvation” (Luke 2:30). Through Jesus, everyone would be able to see God’s plan. Jesus would be a light for all the nations. He would bring honor to Israel.

Anna, a prophetess, also praised too. At well over a hundred years old, Anna began to speak about Jesus to everyone who was looking forward to God’s bringing salvation to His people.

Throughout the Old Testament, God promised the arrival of a king who would redeem people. When Jesus arrived, Simeon and Anna knew He was the promised Messiah. Today, we have faith that Jesus is God’s Son. We can trust Jesus for our salvation, and like Simeon and Anna, we should share the good news.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • We can tell others the good news about Jesus.
    • There is no one like Jesus.
    • Mary and Joseph took Baby Jesus to the temple.
    • Simeon and Anna praised God for Jesus.
    • God sent Jesus to earth to be our King.
  • Preschool
    • Simeon and Anna worshiped Jesus.
    • Is Jesus God or a human? Jesus is both fully God and fully human.
  • Kids
    • Simeon and Anna worshiped Jesus as the Messiah.
    • Is Jesus God or a human? As the Son of God, Jesus is both fully God and fully human.


John 1:1-2 (Preschool: John 1:1)


“Jesus as a Child” (Matthew 2; Luke 2)

A Letter from Pastor Matt

Dear Grace Life,

A week ago, Julie and I were going over our calendar and planning for the next week. Our calendar was filled with baseball games, dinner plans, appointments, and various upcoming church activities. How quickly the calendar changed in just a few days.

I know your family is in the same situation. You’re navigating the craziness at work, finding childcare for your kids, and cancelling Spring break trips you were looking forward to with so much excitement.

In all of this, my heart hurts for you. We are dealing with disappointment, anxiety, and fear, all while not being able to gather together as a church family. As your Pastor, I want you to know that I am here for you. Call my phone and I’ll answer. Send me a text and I’ll reply. FaceTime me and I’ll be there with a smiling face. And hey! If you write me a letter, I’ll write you back. I say all of this because I love you deeply. I echo what the Apostle Paul said, “For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:8).

My heart is for people; to be with people. It pains me that I cannot physically be with you, but I trust in the faithful God who is always present in my life and in yours and that He will bring us together again soon, all for the praise of His glory.

Let me give you an update on our situation and our current (3/17) plans:

  • The Grace Life Team has been in constant communication as we work to develop a plan to continue making disciples who are growing in the Gospel, connecting with others because of the Gospel, and influencing the community with the gospel.
  • Right now, we are following local and state mandates concerning use of the our normal gathering space: Lake Asbury Elementary School. If the school is open, we will gather there. If we are unable to gather at LAE, we have secured multiple locations that we can use temporarily. In the meantime, gather with us from your living room. We will be streaming our service on YouTube and Facebook and when we do gather, we plan to continue streaming.
  • This Sunday, March 22nd, we begin our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting leading up to Easter Sunday. I’m asking you to pray every day with me that God will protect us and use us to make known those around us of the wonderful riches of God’s grace. We have a unique opportunity to have Gospel conversations and how incredible would it be to hear a testimony years from now how someone in our church came to faith in Jesus Christ during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Let me give you some action points to consider:

REMEMBER: I want to remind us that the church is a people, not a building. We’re we gather, we are the church; a beautiful display of the Father’s redemption through Jesus Christ.

GATHER: Gathering is a vital part of the church. In fact, that is what the church is: a gathering of redeemed people. Gather with us online and treat it as if we are together in the same room. Sit with your kids, bring your Bible, and participate. We will sing, pray, and read Scripture. Do what we do when we are together. When we are able to come together, join us if you can. If you are not comfortable or unable to join us in person, then watch online.

STAY CONNECTED: The church was not designed to live in isolation. While we are in this time of uncertainty and fluidity, do not isolate yourself! Call someone in your LifeGroup, have your D-Group meet virtually with Skype, Google Hangouts, FaceTime, or Zoom, or serve someone in our church or your neighbor however you can.

TRUST THE LORD: Isaiah 41:10 says, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Our God is sovereign over all things, even a worldwide pandemic. He is faithful and by faith we trust him and follow him. He is with us, now, in the midst of the uncertain. Trust the Lord.

I will continue to keep you updated and if you need anything, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I am thankful to be your pastor and love you all dearly.

By His Grace,

Pastor Matt

Family Discipleship: Jesus Was Born

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Jesus Was Born

Luke 2

Story Point: Jesus was born to be God’s promised Savior.

Big Picture Question: Is Jesus God or a human? As the Son of God, Jesus is both fully God and fully human.

Christ Connection: The birth of Jesus was good news! Jesus was not an ordinary baby. He is God’s Son, sent to earth from heaven. Jesus, the promised Savior, came into the world to deliver us from sin and death.

Key Passage: John 1:1-2

Dear Parents,

After the angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah and predicted the birth of John—the forerunner of the Messiah—he appeared to Mary and predicted that she too would have a baby. This baby would be named Jesus, and He would be God’s Son. “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High … His kingdom will have no end,” Gabriel said. (See Luke 1:32-33.) Mary visited Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John. Inside the womb, John leaped for joy in the presence of Mary’s unborn baby.

Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth. When Caesar Augustus called for a census, they traveled to Bethlehem—the very place the Messiah was prophesied to be born. (Micah 5:2) There, in a stable, God the Son entered the world as a baby.

Imagine the shepherds’ surprise when an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared. The Bible says that they were terrified! But the angel brought them good news: “Today in the city of David a Savior was born for you, who is the Messiah, the Lord” (Luke 2:11). This Savior—the long-awaited deliverer and redeemer—had come.

Not only did Jesus come into the world as the Savior, He came as our King. Some time after Jesus’ birth, wise men came to worship Jesus. They brought Him gifts suitable for a king—gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Jesus is the King who will rule forever, just as God promised King David. (See 2 Sam. 7.)

When you share this story with your kids, remind them that Jesus came because we needed Him. The purpose of Jesus’ birth was twofold: to bring glory to God and to make peace between God and those who trust in Jesus’ death and resurrection. Celebrating the birth of Jesus is about rejoicing over the greatest gift we could ever receive. God’s own Son came to earth to be our Savior and our King.

The birth of Jesus was good news! Jesus was not an ordinary baby. He is God’s Son, sent to earth from heaven. Jesus, the promised Savior, came into the world to deliver us from sin and death.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus came into the world to rescue us from sin.
    • There is no one like Jesus.
    • Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
    • Jesus is the Son of God.
    • God sent Jesus to earth to be our Savior.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus was born to rescue people from sin.
    • Is Jesus God or a human? Jesus is both fully God and fully human.
  • Kids
    • Jesus was born to be God’s promised Savior.
    • Is Jesus God or a human? As the Son of God, Jesus is both fully God and fully human.


John 1:1-2 (Preschool: John 1:1)


“Jesus Was Dedicated” (Luke 2)

COVID-19 Update

Hey Grace Life!

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our normal routines for the foreseeable future. Just within the last few hours, there has been a confirmed case in our own county. We are monitoring local and state mandates concerning public gatherings and will inform you immediately of any changes to our schedule.

At this time (Friday Afternoon), we will not cancel, but continue to gather together at our normal time and location to sing, pray, and hear God’s Word preached. We are taking cautionary measures to ensure the safety of every attender and we are prepared to make necessary changes to our schedule/location if we are called to do so.

I read a quote this week from Pastor R.C. Sproul that has really encouraged me in the greatness of our God. He said, “If there is one maverick molecule in all the universe, then God is not sovereign. And if God is not sovereign, He is not God.” We serve a faithful and sovereign God who is in control even in the midst of uncertain times. He is aware. He is involved. His glory will be displayed.

Some things you should consider as we plan to gather together:

  • If you are sick or if there is anyone in your household who is sick, please stay home. This is best for you and for others.
  • If you need to stay home due to doctor recommendation or you are concerned for the well being of someone in your family, stay home. It’s okay!
  • If you do stay home, be sure to listen to the podcast. We plan to post the sermon as soon as we can on Sunday afternoon. You can also take advantage of our online giving, take your next step, or send in a prayer request.
  • It’s okay to not shake hands or hug, in fact, our greeters won’t be shaking your hand on your way in. They’ll extend a wave and a smile.
  • Wash you hands with soap!

Some things you should consider as you go about your week:

  • Don’t panic! Remember we serve a God who is in control. (Isaiah 41:10)
  • Share the Gospel. There are many, many people who are concerned, frightened, and very anxious during this time. Use this as an opportunity to share the good news of the Gospel. Don’t speak down on their concerns or mock them. See it as an open door for a gospel conversation. (2 Cor 1:3-4)
  • Pray for God’s mercy and wisdom for our US officials as they handle this crisis. Pray for those in our church who work in the health industry. Pray for the vulnerable. (1 Tim 2:1-2)

Thank you for your understanding in all of this. Please know that changes may be made between now and Sunday morning. We will pass long any updates as soon as we are made aware. I love you all and pray that the Lord will strengthen our hearts and use us to display the light of Jesus.

By His Grace,

Pastor Matt

Family Discipleship: John Was Born

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

John Was Born

Luke 1

Story Point: Jesus was born to prepare the way for Jesus.

Big Picture Question: Is Jesus God or a human? As the Son of God, Jesus is both fully God and fully human.

Christ Connection: When Zechariah believed God’s word, he praised God. John was born to prepare the way for Jesus. John would point people to Jesus, and they would praise God for keeping His promise to send the Savior.

Key Passage: John 1:1-2

Dear Parents,

Some of the last words of the Lord recorded in the Old Testament are found in Malachi 4—“Look, I am going to send you the prophet Elijah … he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers” (vv. 5-6). The Book of Malachi was written more than 400 years before Jesus was born. For centuries, God’s people did not hear from Him. They were back in their homeland but were subject to other ruling nations. Eventually, the Romans took over.

The Roman emperor installed Herod as a leader over Judea and surrounding regions such as Samaria and Galilee. To gain the people’s favor, King Herod replaced Zerubbabel’s temple in Jerusalem with a beautiful marble temple constructed by 10,000 workers. This was the temple in which Zechariah, a priest from the family of Abijah, served the Lord. This was the temple in which God, through the angel Gabriel, broke His silence after so many years.

Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth, were both “righteous in God’s sight” (Luke 1:6), living by faith in God’s promise to send a Messiah. Like Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 18, they were getting along in years and did not have any children. Elizabeth’s barrenness was a point of disgrace for her among the community (Luke 1:25) and God graciously answered this couple’s prayers.

An angel appeared to Zechariah in the temple sanctuary and delivered good news: “Your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear a son.” Echoing Malachi’s prophecy, the angel declared this son would “turn the hearts of fathers to their children” (Luke 1:17)

For his doubting, Zechariah was rendered mute until the promise came to pass. When Zechariah believed God’s word, he praised God. John was born to prepare the way for Jesus. John would point people to Jesus, and they would praise God for keeping His promise to send the Savior.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • We can praise God for sending Jesus.
    • There is no one like Jesus..
    • An angel told Zechariah that Elizabeth would have a baby.
    • John was born to get people ready for Jesus.
    • Zechariah praised God for His plan to rescue people.
  • Preschool
    • John was born to get people ready for Jesus.
    • Is Jesus God or a human? Jesus is both fully God and fully human.
  • Kids
    • John was born to prepare the way for Jesus.
    • Is Jesus God or a human? As the Son of God, Jesus is both fully God and fully human.


John 1:1-2 (Preschool: John 1:1)


“Jesus Was Born” (Luke 2)

Family Discipleship: From Adam to Jesus

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

From Adam to Jesus

Matthew 1; Luke 3; John 1

Story Point: Jesus’ family line proved He is the Messiah.

Big Picture Question: Is Jesus God or a human? As the Son of God, Jesus is both fully God and fully human.

Christ Connection: Jesus came to earth as a human. Jesus had earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, but His true Father is God. Through Jesus, God kept His promises to Abraham and David. Jesus saves people from their sins and adopts them into God’s family.

Key Passage: John 1:1-2

Dear Parents,

The prophecies concerning Jesus’ birth are numerous, and many of them refer to Jesus’ lineage. Old Testament prophecies tell of the promised Messiah being born from the seed of a woman (Gen. 3:15); from the seed of Abraham (Gen. 22:18), Isaac (Gen. 21:12), and Jacob (Num. 24:17); from the tribe of Judah (Micah 5:2); from the line of Jesse (Isa. 11:1); and from the house of David (Jer. 23:5). The prophecies said He would be born of a virgin (Isa. 7:14) and would be the Son of God (1 Chron. 17:13-14; Ps. 2:7). Jesus fulfilled all of these prophecies.

In Bible times, Jews took great care to record family genealogies accurately. The family a person belonged to was directly linked to property rights. Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38 both chronicle the genealogy of Jesus. The account in Matthew presents Jesus as the king of the Jews—the legal heir to the throne of David. The account in Luke was written to Greek Christians and focuses on Jesus’ descent from Adam.

Jesus was born as a baby in Bethlehem. He had earthly parents—Mary and Joseph—but His true Father is God. Jesus is fully God and fully man.

As fully God, “the entire fullness of God’s nature dwells bodily in Christ” (Col. 2:9). As fully man, Jesus has a human body, human mind, and human emotions. (See Luke 2:7,52; Matt. 26:38.) He is our sinless representative (2 Cor. 5:21), sympathetic high priest (Heb. 4:15), and substitute sacrifice (1 John 4:10).

Use this Bible story to review Jesus’ ancestors and their stories in the Old Testament. Help your kids recognize that God had been working out His plan to send Jesus over hundreds of years—through Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Rahab, Ruth, David, and others. God sent His Son to earth to save people from their sins.

Jesus came to earth as a human. Jesus had earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, but His true Father is God. Through Jesus, God kept His promises to Abraham and David. Jesus saves people from their sins and adopts them into God’s family.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Jesus rescues us and makes us part of God’s family.
    • There is no one like Jesus.
    • God promised to send Jesus to earth.
    • Jesus is God’s Son, and Jesus is a man.
    • God sent Jesus like He promised.
  • Preschool
    • Jesus had a family.
    • Is Jesus God or a human? Jesus is both fully God and fully human.
  • Kids
    • Jesus’ family line proved He is the Messiah.
    • Is Jesus God or a human? As the Son of God, Jesus is both fully God and fully human.


John 1:1-2 (Preschool: John 1:1)


“John Was Born” (Luke 1)

Family Discipleship: Malachi the Prophet

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Malachi the Prophet


Story Point: God’s people repented and promised to be faithful.

Big Picture Question: Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything in heaven and on earth.

Christ Connection: God’s Word is powerful. When Ezra read God’s Word, the people loved God more and changed their ways. The Bible says that Jesus is “the Word.” Jesus is God who came to live with people on earth. Jesus has the power to change our hearts.

Key Passage: 1 Peter 5:10

Dear Parents,

After many years living as prisoners in Babylon, God’s people had returned to Judah. They had worked hard and overcome opposition to rebuild the temple and the walls around Jerusalem. Surely God would restore them … finally! But nothing happened. As they waited, they faced drought and economic uncertainty. God’s people probably didn’t feel like God had blessed them at all.

“It is useless to serve God,” they said. “What have we gained by keeping his requirements?” (Mal. 3:14). Did God still care? It wasn’t long until God’s people fell back into the same patterns of sin that led to their exile in the first place: idolatry, covetousness, hypocrisy, arrogance, and abuse of the poor.

But God did still love His people. He had been working out His divine plan of redemption, and He never gave up on them. God sent a message to His people through the prophet Malachi.

Malachi was the last of the Old Testament prophets. He spoke to God’s people approximately 100 years after the end of the Babylonian captivity. Malachi’s message from God was a wake-up call.

God communicated through Malachi that the people’s lack of blessing didn’t mean that God didn’t care. God exposed His people’s sin and made clear that their actions merited a curse. God’s people needed to repent and turn back to God. “But for you who fear my name,” God said, “the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings” (Mal. 4:2).

Explain to your kids that 400 years of silence followed Malachi’s prophecy; God did not communicate to His people. This period brings us to the New Testament, when the silence would be broken by the last prophet before Jesus, John the Baptist. His words about Jesus in John 1:29 offered hope to all who heard: “Here is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”

Malachi was a messenger—a prophet—who told God’s people to repent. Malachi also told about another messenger God would send. This messenger, John the Baptist, would call people to repent and get them ready for a final Messenger, Jesus Christ. Jesus would bring good news of salvation.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


    • Babies and Toddlers
      • Nothing can stop God’s good plan.
      • Jesus came to give us good news.
      • Malachi told people God’s words.
      • God promised to send a messenger before the Messiah.
      • Jesus is God’s Son, the Messiah.
    • Preschool
      • Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything.
      • Malachi said a messenger would get people ready for the Messiah.
    • Kids
      • Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything in heaven and on earth.
      • Malachi called God’s people to repent to prepare for the Messiah.


    • 1 Peter 5:10


    • “From Adam to Jesus” (Matthew 1; Luke 3; John 1)

Family Discipleship: God’s People Repented

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

God’s People Repented

Nehemiah 8-13

Story Point: God’s people repented and promised to be faithful.

Big Picture Question: Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything in heaven and on earth.

Christ Connection: God’s Word is powerful. When Ezra read God’s Word, the people loved God more and changed their ways. The Bible says that Jesus is “the Word.” Jesus is God who came to live with people on earth. Jesus has the power to change our hearts.

Key Passage: 1 Peter 5:10

Ezra was a priest in Babylon at the end of the exile. More than 50 years after the first group of exiles returned to Jerusalem and completed and dedicated the temple, Ezra led a second group back to Jerusalem.

Just as God had been with Nehemiah, He was with Ezra—granting him favor with the Persian king. The king gave Ezra permission to go to Jerusalem. He provided Ezra with a letter and access to resources to ensure safe travel. (See Ezra 7:11-26.)

Ezra traveled to Jerusalem with a purpose. God’s people had spent 70 years in exile, and they needed to be reminded how to live. As a scribe, Ezra was an expert on the law of Moses, and he had “determined in his heart to study the law of the LORD, obey it, and teach its statutes and ordinances in Israel” (Ezra 7:10).

Under Nehemiah’s leadership, the people had rebuilt Jerusalem’s walls. They gathered together at the Water Gate to hear the law of Moses. Men, women, and children—anyone who could understand—came to listen to the reading of God’s Word.

From early morning until midday, Ezra read from the book of the law of Moses. He stood on a high wooden platform where everyone could see and hear him. Ezra opened the book of the law, and everyone stood up. The Levites helped the listeners understand the words of the law. The people reacted strongly to hearing and understanding the law of Moses. Verse 9 says the people wept. The law revealed their sin, and they repented.

The law reveals our sin and how short we fall of meeting God’s standard. As you share with your kids, help them recognize that we cannot meet God’s requirements. We need a Savior. God sent Jesus to obey the law perfectly and die for our sins. We can trust in Him for salvation.

God’s Word is powerful. When Ezra read God’s Word, the people loved God more and changed their ways. The Bible says that Jesus is “the Word.” Jesus is God who came to live with people on earth. Jesus has the power to change our hearts.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


    • Babies and Toddlers
      • Nothing can stop God’s good plan.
      • The Bible tells us God’s plan to rescue us.
      • Ezra read God’s words to the people.
      • The people heard God’s words and turned back to God.
      • The Bible is God’s words to us.
    • Preschool
      • Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything.
      • God’s people promised to obey God.
    • Kids
      • Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything in heaven and on earth.
      • God’s people repented and promised to be faithful.


    • 1 Peter 5:10


    • “Malachi the Prophet” (Malachi)

Family Discipleship: The Walls Rebuilt

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

The Walls Rebuilt

Nehemiah 1-6

Story Point: God used Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls.

Big Picture Question: Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything in heaven and on earth.

Christ Connection: Nehemiah led the people to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem to protect them from their enemies. Jesus came to protect us from our greatest enemies, sin and death. He died on the cross and rose from the dead to rescue everyone who trusts in Him.

Key Passage: 1 Peter 5:10

Nehemiah was a Jew living in Persia. He served as the king’s cupbearer. When the Persian Empire conquered the Babylonians, King Cyrus allowed God’s people to return to Judah. Two or three million Jews had originally been deported, but only a remnant—50,000 people—returned. They set up their homes and rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem.

But when God’s people faced opposition in rebuilding the rest of Jerusalem, they stopped. Some 70 years passed, and the walls and gates around the city were still ruined.

City walls and gates were very important in Bible times. Thick walls protected a city from its enemies and provided a sense of safety and security. Gates were the center of city life, the meeting place for commercial and social transactions. Without these structures, the surviving remnant of God’s people struggled and was vulnerable to attack.

Nehemiah traveled from Persia to Jerusalem to lead the effort in rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls. His leadership was effective. Nehemiah 3 describes all the people working together to rebuild the gates and walls. But it wasn’t long before Nehemiah met opposition from local governors. God’s people armed themselves and kept working. They completed the wall in just 52 days.

Note how their enemies reacted: “All the surrounding nations were intimidated and lost their confidence, for they realized that this task had been accomplished by our God” (Neh. 6:16).

Now God’s people were protected from their enemies. Help your kids see that God provided the way for us to be protected from our enemies, sin and death: He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. When we repent and trust in Jesus, He frees us from sin and death. We still sin, but we are no longer slaves to sin. (See Rom. 6:17-18.) We may die a physical death as a result of sin, but we have eternal life. (See John 11:25-26; Rom. 6:23.)

Nehemiah led the people to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem to protect them from their enemies. Jesus came to protect us from our greatest enemy, sin and death. He died on the cross and rose from the dead to rescue everyone who trusts in Him.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


    • Babies and Toddlers
      • Nothing can stop God’s good plan.
      • Jesus protects us from our enemies.
      • Nehemiah led the people to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls.
      • God kept His people safe as they worked.
      • Jesus keeps us safe from sin when we trust in Him.
    • Preschool
      • Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything.
      • Nehemiah led God’s people to rebuild the walls.
    • Kids
      • Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything in heaven and on earth.
      • God used Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls.


    • 1 Peter 5:10


    • “God’s People Repented” (Nehemiah 8–13)

Family Discipleship: Esther Saved Her People

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Esther Saved Her People


Story Point: God made Esther a queen to protect His people.

Big Picture Question: Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything in heaven and on earth.

Christ Connection: God was in control over Haman’s evil plan to destroy the Jews. Like Haman, Satan wants to ruin God’s plan and destroy believers. Satan thought he had won when Jesus died on the cross, but God raised Jesus from the dead and defeated Satan once and for all. All who believe in Jesus are rescued from sin and death.

Key Passage: 1 Peter 5:10

The Babylonian captivity ended when Cyrus, the king of Persia, took over Babylon and let God’s people go home. Some of God’s people—now called Jews (people from Judah)—traveled back to Judah to rebuild the temple, the city, and their lives. Others, however, stayed in Persia where life among the pagans was relatively comfortable.

The king of Persia was now Ahasuerus (uh haz yoo EHR uhs), also known by his Greek name, Xerxes (ZUHRK seez). Esther was a young Jewish girl who became queen of Persia. The former queen had defied the king and was promptly replaced.

Esther had been an orphan, so her cousin Mordecai adopted her. Mordecai kept in touch with Esther while she lived in the palace. One day, the king gave Haman the Agagite a very important position in the kingdom. The king even commanded the people to bow down to Haman. But Mordecai refused.

Haman was a descendant of Agag, king of the Amalekites. The nations of Israel and Amalek did not get along. Haman was angry, but instead of just punishing Mordecai, he planned to kill all the Jews in the kingdom.

In this week’s Bible story, Mordecai turned to Esther for help. After all, she was in a position of power, and the Jews were her people. The stakes were high, but Esther approached the king and explained her people’s plight. Review the details in Esther 7.

Note how Esther described Haman: “The adversary and enemy is this evil Haman” (Esth. 7:6). We too have an adversary—the Devil. He prowls around like a lion, seeking people to devour. (1 Pet. 5:8) He loves nothing more than to destroy believers and hinder the work of God. Satan thought he had succeeded when Jesus died on the cross, but God—working frequently behind the scenes—raised Jesus from the dead and defeated Satan once and for all. (See Heb. 2:14-15.)

God was in control over Haman’s evil plan to destroy the Jews. Like Haman, Satan wants to ruin God’s plan and destroy believers. Satan thought he had won when Jesus died on the cross, but God raised Jesus from the dead and defeated Satan once and for all. All who believe in Jesus are rescued from sin and death.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • Nothing can stop God’s good plan.
    • Jesus died and rose again to do God’s plan.
    • God made Esther queen of Persia.
    • God used Esther to rescue His people.
    • Jesus rescues us from sin and death.
  • Preschool
    • Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything.
    • God used Esther to rescue God’s people from their enemies.
  • Kids
    • Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything in heaven and on earth.
    • God made Esther a queen to protect His people.


1 Peter 5:10


“The Walls Rebuilt” (Nehemiah 1–6)

Family Discipleship: Zechariah the Prophet

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

Zechariah the Prophet


Story Point: Zechariah said the Messiah is coming.

Big Picture Question: How is Jesus the perfect Prophet? Jesus perfectly reveals God the Father and fulfills what the prophets spoke.

Christ Connection: God was going to help His people and give them a different kind of king. Jesus is the King who came and rode humbly on a donkey, just as Zechariah said. Because Zechariah’s prophecy came true in Jesus, we can have hope and forgiveness of sins when we trust in Jesus.

Key Passage: Jeremiah 29:11

The conflict between Edom and Israel originates in the story of Jacob and Esau. The twins struggled in the womb, and their mother, Rebekah, asked God why. God explained that from her womb would come two nations, and the older would serve the younger. (Gen. 25:23)

The nation of Israel descended from Jacob (the younger), and the nation of Edom descended from Esau (the older). God promised to Jacob the same promises He made to Abraham (Gen. 28:15), but Esau was a godless man who despised God’s promises. (Heb. 12:16)

For centuries, the two families were at odds. When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, the king of Edom refused to let the Israelites pass through his country to get to the promised land. (Num. 20:14-21) Edom fought against Israel on several occasions. (See 2 Chron. 20:2; 28:17; 2 Kings 8:20-22.)

The Book of Obadiah is God’s message about Edom in response to their sin—specifically their gloating over the Babylonian invasion of Jerusalem. When the Babylonians invaded Jerusalem, the people of Edom didn’t help. Like an envious brother, Edom was glad to see Judah overcome. In fact, Edom was a guilty participant in the action against Judah. (Obad. 11)

The prophet Obadiah detailed the charges against Edom, announced their guilt, and handed down the sentence from the Lord: Edom would be totally destroyed. No remnant of Esau’s family would remain. On the other hand, Obadiah said God’s people would be restored.

God said the people of Edom would get what they deserved. “As you have done, it will be done to you; what you deserve will return on your own head” (Obad. 15). God’s rule is just. The fate of the Edomites might as well be ours. But here’s the reality: As you have done, it was done to Christ; what you deserve was returned on His head. Jesus is King, and one day He will deliver His people from their enemies once and for all.

Like God’s people were mistreated by the people of Edom, Jesus was mistreated by His own people. God will punish sin. Jesus died on the cross to take the punishment we deserve for our sin. We can trust Jesus to make wrong things right.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


  • Babies and Toddlers
    • The prophets told about Jesus.
    • One day, Jesus will make wrong things right.
    • Edom was happy when God punished Judah.
    • Obadiah said God would bring His people back to their land.
    • Jesus will be king over God’s people forever.
  • Preschool
    • How is Jesus the perfect Prophet? God speaks to us through Jesus.
    • God promised to take care of His people.
  • Kids
    • How is Jesus the perfect Prophet? Jesus perfectly reveals God the Father and fulfills what the prophets spoke.
    • God promised to restore Israel and rule the earth as King.


    • Jeremiah 29:11


    • “The Captives Came Home” (Ezra 1–3)

Family Discipleship: The Temple was Rebuilt

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

The Temple Was Rebuilt

Ezra 4-6; Haggai

Story Point: God’s people rebuilt the temple to glorify God.

Big Picture Question: How is Jesus the perfect Prophet? Jesus perfectly reveals God the Father and fulfills what the prophets spoke.

Christ Connection: God’s people rebuilt the temple so they would have a place to worship God. Years later, God sent His Son, Jesus, to be with His people. Now God dwells not in the temple, but directly with His people. Jesus provided something better than the temple; He gives us Himself.

Key Passage: Jeremiah 29:11

At last! God’s people returned to Jerusalem, the home of their ancestors. God had given them another opportunity to live as His special people. They got to work right away, completing the foundation of the Lord’s temple.

Many of God’s people had been born in Babylon, but they had likely heard the stories of their parents and grandparents, stories of a life in the land God had given them. They probably heard of their families’ mistakes: ignoring God, worshiping idols, and mistreating the poor. But the Lord had been gracious! He kept His promise to bring His people back to Judah.

Life in Judah wasn’t exactly what they had imagined. It was difficult. Their national wealth was gone. The work of rebuilding the temple and the city of Jerusalem was hard. The land was desolate, and crops failed. Their neighbors opposed their efforts. (See Ezra 4:6,11-16.)

God’s people were disappointed and discouraged. Rather than fight their enemies, God’s people gave up. The temple of the Lord sat unfinished for 16 years. The people made excuses. “Maybe it’s not time to rebuild the temple,” they reasoned. If that was what God wanted, wouldn’t He make it easier for them? (See Hag. 1:2.) God’s people moved on to building their own homes.

The prophet Haggai stepped onto the scene and rebuked the people for their misplaced priorities. (Hag. 1:4) He brought words from the Lord, commanding them to finish the work they started. God promised to fill the temple with His glory, and comforted His weary people with this promise: “I will provide peace in this place” (Hag. 2:7,9).

God promised to be with His people and bless them—and not only them, but the whole world through them, keeping the promise He made to Abraham long ago. (See Gen. 12:3.) Through God’s servant, Zerubbabel, God would send His Son, Jesus—the greater Servant who is God with us.

God’s people rebuilt the temple so they would have a place to worship God. Years later, God sent His Son, Jesus, to be with His people. Now God dwells not in the temple, but directly with His people. Jesus provided something better than the temple; He gives us Himself.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


    • Babies and Toddlers
      • The prophets told about Jesus.
      • Jesus is with us wherever we go.
      • God helped His people rebuild the temple.
      • Haggai said God was with them.
      • Because of Jesus, we can worship God anywhere.
    • Preschool
      • How is Jesus the perfect Prophet? God speaks to us through Jesus.
      • God’s people rebuilt the temple.
    • Kids
      • How is Jesus the perfect Prophet? Jesus perfectly reveals God the Father and fulfills what the prophets spoke.
      • God’s people rebuilt the temple to glorify God.


    • Jeremiah 29:11


    • “Zechariah the Prophet” (Zechariah)

Family Discipleship: The Captives Came Home

Dear Parents,

Our KidLife Preschool and Elementary Class are currently studying through the entire Bible while focusing on the Gospel. As they learn the incredible stories of Scripture, they’ll be taught how Christ is connected to all of it.

We have a deep desire to come along side you, the parent, and help you disciple your children. We want to help you teach them about God’s Word. Every week, we will send home information about the lesson your child learned. We also plan to include the lesson in our church program and post a weekly summary here, on the Grace Life Blog.

Take the time each day to go over what they learn, memorize the Scripture verse with them, and continue to show them Jesus. The greatest responsibility we have as parents is to disciple are kids and to show them how to follow Jesus. For more information on the importance of Family Discipleship, here’s a quick Facebook Live video or you can listen to this sermon on Family Discipleship from Pastor Matt.

Want the weekly KidLife lesson recap and other blog post delivered right to your inbox? Be sure to signup to receive post from the Grace Life Blog.

Here is this week’s summary:

The Captives Came Home

Ezra 1-3

Story Point: God kept His promise to bring His people home.

Big Picture Question: How is Jesus the perfect Prophet? Jesus perfectly reveals God the Father and fulfills what the prophets spoke.

Christ Connection: Zerubbabel led God’s people back to the temple to rebuild it. The temple was the place where God met with His people on earth. Jesus came to earth to rescue God’s people. One day Jesus will return to restore a greater home for all of God’s people, and we will spend eternity with Him.

Key Passage: Jeremiah 29:11

God’s people had been living in Babylon for 70 years. Some of God’s people had died in Babylon. Some of their children and grandchildren were born in Babylon and grew up there. But Babylon was not their home.

Before the people of Judah were exiled, God had spoken through the prophet Jeremiah. These are the words of the Lord: “These nations will serve the king of Babylon for seventy years” (Jer. 25:11). Then the Lord said, “When seventy years for Babylon are complete, I will attend to you and will confirm my promise concerning you to restore you to this place” (Jer. 29:10). The time had come for God’s people to go back home.

Cyrus, the king of the Persian empire, had overthrown Babylon. Cyrus took over the kingdom, including the lands of Israel and Judah. In the following year, the Lord did something miraculous in Cyrus’s heart. He prompted Cyrus to issue a decree: All the Jewish exiles are free to return to their ancestral homes.

The exile was over! God’s people were free to return to their own land. They were free to live as God’s special people. The first group of Judean exiles returned home under the leadership of Zerubbabel (zuh RUHB uh buhl). Zerubbabel was the grandson of King Jehoiachin, who had been taken to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar. (See 2 Kings 24:8-13.)

Ezra 2:64-65 says nearly 50,000 people traveled back to Judah. When they got to Jerusalem, they began working to rebuild the temple that the Chaldeans had destroyed. (See 2 Chron. 36:19.)

Explain to your kids that the temple was the place where God met with His people. Jesus came to earth to rescue God’s people from sin. When Jesus returns, He will restore the earth and will dwell with His people forever.

Zerubbabel led God’s people back to the temple to rebuild it. The temple was the place where God met with His people on earth. Jesus came to earth to rescue God’s people. One day Jesus will return to restore a greater home for all of God’s people, and we will spend eternity with Him.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


    • Babies and Toddlers
      • The prophets told about Jesus.
      • Jesus will give us a home with Him.
      • God brought His people back to their land.
      • Zerubbabel led the people to build the temple.
      • Jesus brings us to God.
    • Preschool
      • How is Jesus the perfect Prophet? God speaks to us through Jesus.
      • God kept His promise to bring His people home.
    • Kids
      • How is Jesus the perfect Prophet? Jesus perfectly reveals God the Father and fulfills what the prophets spoke.
      • God kept His promise to bring His people home.


    • Jeremiah 29:11


    • “The Temple Was Rebuilt” (Ezra 4–6; Haggai)