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A Study on the
Book of Nahum

We’re excited to study the Book of Nahum together as a church family. This study is intended to help you grow in your understanding of the Gospel and how it applies to you today. We encourage you to use the H.E.A.R. Bible Study Method to help you go deeper into your study of Nahum.

While you’re studying on your own, join a LifeGroup and study it with others from our church. If you would like a printed study guide, please contact our church office.


Using the H.E.A.R. Bible Study Method

The H.E.A.R. Bible Study Method is a great tool to help you study the Book of Romans. Use the H.E.A.R. Study each week as you study the weekly Chapter.

About the Book

Nahum takes a look at God’s judgment of all people while focusing on the imminent destruction of the Assyrian empire. Opening with a declaration of God’s character, we see both His right to destroy the wicked but also His desire to intervene for those who would trust in Him. The detailed taking down of the proud Assyrians shows us just how easily sin can deceive us into believing that we can do enough on our own.


Weekly videos that go along with the study are available to watch on YouTube. You can also listen to a podcast option on the Grace Life Podcast. These videos serve as a commentary on the book of Nahum.



The ESV Study Bible was designed to help you understand the Bible in a deeper way. Extensive study notes, charts, maps, and articles make this study Bible a valuable resource for serious readers, students, and teachers of God’s Word.


The CSB Study Bible is designed to help you know and be transformed by God’s Word. The Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) that keeps Scripture primary on every page.


ESV Scripture Journals pair the entirety of individual books of the Bible with lightly lined blank pages opposite each page of Bible text, allowing readers to take extended notes or record insights and prayers directly beside corresponding passages of Scripture.