There is no one greater than our God.
The Book of Malachi records how God, through the prophet Malachi (“my messenger”) demands the people of Israel to return to him. Yet, in their unfaithfulness, they fail to see His greatness and question His words. God warns them of the silence to come but prepares them for the coming of His Messiah.
Like the people of Israel, we often fail to see the greatness of God and even question who He is and what He has said. Malachi reminds us of the glorious nature and character of God fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
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Recent Sermons
March 2nd, 2025
How Great is the Salvation of God!
There is a distinction between the righteous and the wicked and between the one who serves God and the one who does not serve Him. The one who has been saved by God through Jesus is a treasured possession while the one who rejects God is destined for utter destruction.

February 23rd, 2025
How Great is the Generosity of God!
Malachi calls out the heart of the people by pointing to their desire for safety in prosperity over trusting in God. We must examine our love of money and possessions and how easy it is to depend on those things rather than our Creator.

February 16th, 2025
How Great is the Justice of God!
For all of eternity, God has been faithful, and out of this faithfulness, he calls us to be faithful to Him. The faithful follower of God guards his heart from faithlessness.

February 2nd, 2025
How Great is the Faithfulness of God!
For all of eternity, God has been faithful, and out of this faithfulness, he calls us to be faithful to Him. The faithful follower of God guards his heart from faithlessness.

January 26th, 2025
How Great is the Holiness of God!
What separates God from us and everything else is that He is holy. Because he is holy, he demands that we bring unpolluted offerings to him and the only way to do so is through the perfect holiness of His Son Jesus.

January 19th, 2025
How Great is the Love of God!
In our desire to find love in everything under creation, we are reminded of the love God has for his people. God commands us to return to our first love.

January 12th, 2025
Great is the Lord!
As we are introduced to the Prophet Malachi, we see that God’s message to Israel is a reminder to us to never underestimate His eternal greatness. He is unchanging and he commands us to hear His words and to change our ways