American culture trains us to pursue personal happiness at any cost. The life of Moses shows us that faith means choosing Christ over comfort.
The seventh commandment calls for us to honor our marriage covenant by refraining from adultery. Jesus takes it a step further by commanding us to be pure of heart and…
True satisfaction is found in the God who provides everything we need for both life on earth and the eternal life to come. This commandment deals with the sins of…
Lying is the one commandment that may be considered not a big deal. But lying is a big deal and we are commanded not to lie. Why? Because lying is…
The 8th commandment may seem self explanatory but in reality, we miss the point because we continue to steal and we steal for stupid reasons. Ultimately, we steal because we…
The fifth commandment is not just for kids, but it is for everyone. The fifth commandment connects commandments 1-4 and 6-10 by showing us that honoring others represents an understanding…
Every human life was created by God and in His image. The sixth commandment commands us to value and treasure every human life because every human life is valued and…
The Fourth Commandment is given to us because God, in His sovereign grace, rested on the seventh day of creation and has redeemed us from our sins. The Sabbath rest…
The third commandment is about more than just our words. Because we are children of God, we must carefully consider both our words and our actions as they reflect Jesus’…
The Second Commandment is more than bowing down to little golden statues or religious symbols, it's a call to abolish all gods and worship the one true God who is…