Jesus concludes His Sermon on the Mount by stating that the person who hears His words and obeys them is wise while the one who hears and ignores them is…
Jesus will issue a startling reality: confessing him as Lord and even doing good works in his name is not enough to enter heaven. Heaven is only open to those…
There is only one path that leads to life and the path of life produces healthy, God-honoring good works.
In Matthew 7:12, commonly known as the Golden Rule, Jesus commands that we treat others the same way we want to be treated, modeling how Jesus has treated us.
Jesus tells us that our Father in heaven desires to give us good gifts that we need to live for his glory.
Text: Matthew 7:1-6 Jesus, the one true judge, warns us of being judgemental towards others and commands us to inspect our hearts and deal with our own sins. Jesus desires…
Jesus speaks to our anxious hearts by reminding us that God is sovereign and the source of our peace and therefore, we are to seek after Him.
The treasures of this world are empty while the treasures of heaven are eternal. We can only choose one and what we choose to gather reveals what our heart truly…
Sin is a deadly enemy. We don’t casually pet it, but actively seek to destroy it. When temptation comes, through the Lord’s strength, we run to the One who will…
Jesus calls for us to go to our Father for forgiveness and to forgive those who have sinned against us. Forgiveness is an act of mercy that is at the…