While we wait for our future glorification, we still battle the weakness of our flesh. The Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses and He intercedes for us.
Jesus closes out his High Priestly prayer in John 17 by praying for future believers. We hear Jesus pray for us and he prays that we will be united around…
Jesus prayed for His disciples that the Father would keep them and sanctify them. This is the prayer he prays for us today.
John 17 records Jesus' prayer, moments before he is arrested. In the first part of this prayer, Jesus prays for Himself, asking the Father to glorify the Son in order…
Today, we begin the New Year by praying together. Today's gathering focused on praying through the Lord's Prayer. While you listen, pray with us. Let's make 2021 a year of…
Preacher: Matt MacNaughton | Series: Christmas 2018 We end the year by praying through the Core Values of our church and commit to focusing on Jesus in 2019.