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Christmas at
Grace Life Church

Events throughout December to Celebrate the Birth of Jesus.

For to us a child is born, to us a Son was given.

Isaiah 9:6

Click the pictures below to register for an event.

Tuesday, December 19th, 6:30pm

Blue Christmas

Christmas is often associated with words like love, joy, or peace. As a famous song states- “Christmastime is here, happiness and cheer.” But for many, this is not the reality of the holiday season. Some have lost loved ones. Others may have painful memories of broken childhood experiences. Still, others may struggle with the hustle and bustle that this busy season can force us into. Whatever the case, I want to offer a space for reflection and meditation as we consider the true reason we celebrate Christmas even in the face of grief. I lost my wife in 2015 to a long cancer battle, and as a young widower, I sought out this joined solitude. It is a helpful reminder to know that you are not alone, not only because others grieve around you, but also because your Heavenly Father grieves with you. But He also is the God of all comfort, and Christmas is a reminder that Jesus lived a life like us and is our High Priest who sympathizes with our weaknesses and temptations.
Join us as we look to our Savior through tearful eyes, and rest your burdens and anxieties on our loving Lord.