Welcome to the Grace Life Blog!
A few months ago, you may have noticed that we switched over to a new website platform. Not only did the updated website bring a fresh, clean look to the “front door” to our church, but it also gave us different opportunities for engagement. We want to use these opportunities to better serve you and to better serve our community.
One such opportunity is through a blog. Our purpose for this blog is to continue to help you make Jesus-centered disciples for God’s glory. We’ll post about upcoming events, sermon recaps, updates from our church planting partnerships, and practical and helpful articles on topics like prayer, marriage, and parenting.
You won’t be hearing from just me either. You’ll hear from other members of our leadership team. They bring a wealth of knowledge and a love for our church that will be practical for you. They’re passionate about different things, but they share one common goal: to see our church make disciples.
You can follow the Grace Life blog by subscribing or by checking it out on our website. We will utilize Facebook and Instagram as well to share the posted content. And if there is something you’d like to see on the blog, just comment below or send us an email at info(at)thegracelifechurch.org.
Our prayer is that this resource will be an encouragement to our church and will continue to help us accomplish our mission to make Jesus-centered disciples for God’s glory.
By His Grace,
Pastor Matt
You can follow Pastor Matt on Social Media and on his Personal Blog:
Great Post!