COVID-19 Update
Hey Grace Life!
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our normal routines for the foreseeable future. Just within the last few hours, there has been a confirmed case in our own county. We are monitoring local and state mandates concerning public gatherings and will inform you immediately of any changes to our schedule.
At this time (Friday Afternoon), we will not cancel, but continue to gather together at our normal time and location to sing, pray, and hear God’s Word preached. We are taking cautionary measures to ensure the safety of every attender and we are prepared to make necessary changes to our schedule/location if we are called to do so.
I read a quote this week from Pastor R.C. Sproul that has really encouraged me in the greatness of our God. He said, “If there is one maverick molecule in all the universe, then God is not sovereign. And if God is not sovereign, He is not God.” We serve a faithful and sovereign God who is in control even in the midst of uncertain times. He is aware. He is involved. His glory will be displayed.
Some things you should consider as we plan to gather together:
- If you are sick or if there is anyone in your household who is sick, please stay home. This is best for you and for others.
- If you need to stay home due to doctor recommendation or you are concerned for the well being of someone in your family, stay home. It’s okay!
- If you do stay home, be sure to listen to the podcast. We plan to post the sermon as soon as we can on Sunday afternoon. You can also take advantage of our online giving, take your next step, or send in a prayer request.
- It’s okay to not shake hands or hug, in fact, our greeters won’t be shaking your hand on your way in. They’ll extend a wave and a smile.
- Wash you hands with soap!
Some things you should consider as you go about your week:
- Don’t panic! Remember we serve a God who is in control. (Isaiah 41:10)
- Share the Gospel. There are many, many people who are concerned, frightened, and very anxious during this time. Use this as an opportunity to share the good news of the Gospel. Don’t speak down on their concerns or mock them. See it as an open door for a gospel conversation. (2 Cor 1:3-4)
- Pray for God’s mercy and wisdom for our US officials as they handle this crisis. Pray for those in our church who work in the health industry. Pray for the vulnerable. (1 Tim 2:1-2)
Thank you for your understanding in all of this. Please know that changes may be made between now and Sunday morning. We will pass long any updates as soon as we are made aware. I love you all and pray that the Lord will strengthen our hearts and use us to display the light of Jesus.
By His Grace,
Pastor Matt